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"Xavier I'm telling you it was nothing like I'd ever seen before. She went crazy!" Lily told her cousin.

"Maddy would never attack anyone and you know it. In the arena she almost did but it was obvious then that she couldn't fight. That can't change in a short period of time," Xavier sighed.

"Xavier she strangled the vampire to the point where it was probably on the verge of passing out!"

"Well make sure it doesn't happen again. I don't need Maddy getting hurt. Next time you three want to go on forest adventures bring a guard," he said.

"I am a guard!"

"Well apparently just one guard isn't enough. I won't have you jeopardizing the wellbeing and future of this kingdom."

"The wellbeing and future of this kingdom? Is that what you see your mate as? Making her queen was the worst decision you ever made it seems because now that you have her all that matters is the kingdom not her. You have not made any effort in your relationship at all since the coronation. Its honestly disgusting," Lily spat storming out of the office.

"What was that about?" Maddy asked getting up from the chair she had been waiting on.

"Xavier wanted a run down of what happened today. He is stupid and doesn't understand that it could have all been avoided if he just spent time with you—"

"He has probably been stressed out. Maybe I should go talk to him."

"Maddy you don't owe him anything. You know you have changed since you came here. I saw it today. The way you attacked the vampire—"

"It was self defense—"

"It wasn't attacking you. You went right at it and took it down. It's like you have fought a vampire before?"

"Of course I have. What did you think i did on the streets, just ran and hid? There were times when we would get spotted. I have had to get my hands dirty before. Nothing is fair for a human against a supernatural so tricks are useful. You must not be afraid to use any means necessary if you want to survive. I'm going to go talk to Xavier," Maddy said.

She walked away from Lily to the office and opened the door.

"I expect you to knock before entering—" Xavier growled.

He paused looking up. "Maddy. It's you," he breathed out.

He sounded exhausted and drained. He looked relieved to see her. That made her happy inside. She was also happy tense him.

"I just came to see you for a little. It's been awhile," she said not moving any further than the closed door.

Xavier glanced at the large amount of distance between them and her crossed arms and disinterested expression. Had he really shoved her that far away?

"Why don't you come closer?"

"I don't want to your highness. I don't quite think you want me. You have not made any effort to treat me like the queen I am supposed to be so I won't treat you like my King and mate. It's only fair," she said glancing at the books on the shelves.

"Maddy I'm sorry. The council doesn't want a human involved in matters—"

"The council? But you are the king. You are making excuses. You think I am weak and fragile just because I was born a human. Your council is feeding into your paranoia," she said.

"I'm sorry. I'm trying. I've been trying non stop since the incident. I know I messed up. I should have told you. I was just afraid."

"That's the problem you don't tell me anything! You don't need to make your council allow me to sit beside you and rule but I at least expect honesty. I expect you to treat me like an equal! I want to be treated better than this—"

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