chapter twenty six: back in his bed

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I was lost.

I tried to find out where I was, but it was dark. I blinked a few times to try and see, a little light came through the blinds helping me out.

I looked around the room, there was a small desk, a shelf with a bunch of trophies there wasn't much on the walls, except a framed jersey. I looked down at myself, I was still in the same clothes from last night.

The bed I was on was soft, I sunk into the mattress with ease but I swung my legs over and onto the floor. My legs were cold for a brief moment but then the room became warm—it was heated.

I slowly stood up and adjusted my pants that had scrunched up my thighs overnight. I straightened them out and opened the door, being met with bright lights I squinted until my eyes adjusted.

I stepped out of the room and saw Callum and Addie on the couch. They looked at me and Addie gave me a big grin. Only then did I realize who's room I stepped out of.

My heart dropped.

I didn't–no I couldn't have.

Panicked, I looked down at my clothes as a reminder. I wasn't changed so nothing could've happened. I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I quickly changed in the bathroom before coming back out and walking into the kitchen.

I saw Hunter walk towards me but his face was in his phone and he didn't know I was in front of him. I grabbed his arm, stopping him from passing me. I felt his arm tense under my hand as I pulled him back.

"Hunter," I could barely look him in the eye. He pulled his eyes away from his phone and focused them on mine, his arm relaxing as he did. "Did you...move me to your room?" I asked, again not making eye contact.

I bit down on my inner lip waiting for a response, "Yeah," he said calmly.

I felt stupid acting nervous around him but I couldn't help it. It's just how I felt. "Why?" I mustered up the courage to look him in the eye this time.

"Because I don't think the counter would be comfortable," he jokes.

"So why not just put me on the couch, I didn't need to go in your room." I crossed my arms and dropped my eyes.

"You really think I would leave you on the couch?"

I pause and swallow, "Uhm–"

"I wouldn't." he cuts me off, "And I'm not going to. You can take my room while you're here, I can take the couch." he tells me before walking past me.


"It's fine Dani," he cuts me off again, "I'll be fine." he says as he walks out of the kitchen.

I'm left standing there, with nothing to say. I can't just take his bed like that, I know he wants me to but I just can't. I'm only here for a week, it's not like I'm moving in.

I sit down at the counter and hide my face in my hands. Why am I like this?

I felt hands run over my shoulders before I heard someone sit down next to me. I look up and frown, "Why do I feel like this?" I sighed.

"Like what?" Addie rests her elbows on the counter.

"Guilty," I dropped my head. "I–I feel so shitty you know?" I hear Addie move her stool closer to mine and she grabs my hands. "He's trying and I'm over here being an awkward wreck, I hate it."

"So stop sitting around and fix it," she rubs her hand over mine.

"I–I want to but...I just can't. I don't know Addie, everything's too weird." I shake my head.

"So let's make it not weird," she says with a smile.

"How?" I ask, looking up at her.

"The guys have these night sessions during the week where they have extra practice. Anyone can go, I went last week and it was quite fun." she explains.

"Wait. All the hockey guys have extra practice. And you go to it?" I ask to clarify.

"Yep." she nods, popping the 'p'. "It's actually entertaining and I'm sure if you came with me next time it could make things less awkward between you two." she whispers.

I thought about it for a moment. A night at the rink with douchey hockey players, definitely not ideal. "I'm not sure Addie..."

"Oh c'mon Dani, get the 'all hockey players are douches' stereotype out of your head. They're actually pretty funny." she reasons.

Hockey players. Funny? I've never seen that before. "I don't believe you." I tell her.

"Then you've never met Carter before." she laughs.

"Talking about Carter are we?" I look up and see that Callum just entered the kitchen and is eyeing us down.

"I'm trying to get Dani to go with me to the next night session," Addie explains.

"Oh yeah, you should definitely come you know, show off your figure skating skills and all," he mentions.

I raise my brow at this, "How did you–"

"I told him." Addie cuts me off.

"Oh." I managed to get out. "Well then...yeah so guess," I shrugged.

"How did you even get into it?" he asks from across the counter.

"Well as you know I grew up in Wisconsin," I start.

"Yeah, so did Hunter," he smiles. "That's cool."

"Oh...I didn't know that." I lied. "Anyways my mom just signed me up for it when I was younger and I practiced it until the middle of highschool." I explained.

"Why'd you quit?" he asks.

"Well I didn't want to but the program closed and there wasn't another one around for miles." I lied.

"That sucks," he sighs. "But nonetheless you should come, our next session is Thursday."

"I guess I'll go," I shrugged.

"Yay!" Addie yelped and I covered my ears. "This is going to be so much fun!" She hugged me and I gave a pleasing look over to Callum. He just laughed and turned to the fridge.

Thanks for the help Cal. Really appreciated.


I just got back from my shift at work and I was exhausted. Tucker and his group came in again tonight and it was basically a repeat from last time.

They ordered rounds and rounds of drinks and before I knew it, I had to kick them out. Much to their and Rick's displeasure I had no shame in doing what I did.

Slipping into my pajamas I saw no sign of that "moving me in my sleep" idiot so I took the couch, going against what he said. I didn't want to sleep in his bed and I didn't need to sleep in his bed. So I wouldn't.

Laying down on the couch I pulled up the blanket and got comfortable. It didn't take me long to fall asleep and in a few minutes I dozed off.

When I woke up in the morning I couldn't believe it.

How was I back in his bed?

I groaned as I got up and walked to the door. I saw Hunter walking out of the kitchen so I strolled up to him.

"Don't move me again," I point, "You got it?" I wanted to make myself clear.

He lets out a laugh, "Got it."

"I'm being serious." I stare him down.

"So am I." he smirks as he makes his way into his room.

God. Somehow he's still the same Hunter from highschool. 

oooo night session coming up soon

and a lot more things to be revealed, good or bad you'll find out.

hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote!!

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