chapter fifty seven: are you okay?

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Hunter's POV

It's been a couple weeks since Dani and I started dating. And dating for real.

Honestly it's been the best two weeks of my life. It's nice to have someone to always talk to. I know we did it anyway but it just feels different now.

But different in a good way.

Even Cal says I look better. We told them about us last week but they didn't seem all that surprised.

I guess we might've been too obvious before. But they were happy about it nonetheless.

Looks like we all have girlfriends. Thinking about it now I'm actually amazed.

A third of the hockey team has girlfriends. That's...rare.

Not to bash anyone but it's not everyday you see something like that. Especially here.

Some of the guys talk a whole lot about their conquests in the locker room.

From what I've learned in the few months of being here is that we're treated like some sort of royalty.

I realized this when I absolutely bombed a test when I first got here. I asked the teacher if there was any way to fix it and she saw my jacket and changed it to a B.

I didn't even get a chance to do any work. She just changed it at the sight of a jacket.

It was honestly shocking.

Enough about the past. But right now it's my only outlet of anger. Ryan's pissing me off.

More now than ever.

Ever since Dani told me what he did I've been furious. I know she said not to go after him, and I haven't, but there's only so long I can go without doing anything.

Everytime I see his face I want to punch him. But I can't do that. So instead I've been taking my frustration out on the ice.

During practice I've been lucky enough to be on a different team than him which meant I could check him.

And I checked him hard. He laughs it off but I can see the amusement in his eyes. He knows that I know.

And he's enjoying it.


Tonight was another big game against Denver. They were always tough. With Jason back it's more likely that we have a chance. Although, he still has to be careful.

Putting on my padding I see the necklace I always wear. Dani had given it back to me the day after she wore it.

She claimed that she didn't feel right taking it. Plus, I was apparently staring at it too much for her to believe that she could keep it.

But the reason I have it is because of her anyways.

I laughed at the thought and continued to get dressed.

Speaking of Dani, her new job seems to be keeping her occupied. She missed that last three games and this makes it four.

I'm not mad, I just wish she could be here. But at least she gives me a reason to play.

I tuck my necklace under my jersey before I meet everyone by the tunnel.


I've had enough.

I sit on the bench and tap my stick against the boards. We're losing. And it's my fault.

All I had to do was pass to Carter but my stick slipped and I missed. And they scored off of it so now I feel like shit.

"Hey dickhead. Stop daydreaming about that slut and pay attention." Ryan's voice fills my ears.

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