chapter thirty two: but she could be naked

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Hunter's POV

It was around ten thirty when they got back from the hospital. I heard them come through the door but I didn't want to see them.

What she said back in the hospital stuck with me. It stung.

But I can't even blame her. I shouldn't have held her hand. Stupid impulses.

She had her reasons to tell me to leave and that was it. I couldn't complain about it. Or I could. But that wouldn't make things any better.

When I walked out of the kitchen I saw her eyeing the couch, but even after her clear warning, I wasn't going to let her sleep there.

I couldn't.

So I went over to the couch and plopped myself down. Turning on the TV, I saw her walk into my room out of the corner of my eye.

I turned the volume down as I was tired myself. I stayed up and played some stupid show for background noise as I scrolled through my phone.

Swiping through my feed I saw a post about a Christmas Treefest. It intrigued me enough to read what it was about.

Apparently you submit a picture of your decorated tree and people vote for the best one. The winners get a free batch of some bakery's cookies. I checked it out and it seemed legit, the account having a substantial amount of followers.

It looked like it was held annually and didn't seem like a bad idea for the holidays. Maybe we could have some fun with this, especially Carter. Dude would take it so seriously.

I laughed and liked the post before scrolling again. I rubbed my eyes and checked the time. It was almost midnight and I was feeling the effects of my exhaustion.

I turned off the TV and changed into a pair of sweatpants. I had just put my shirt over my head when I heard a thud come from my room.

"Stop it!" I heard Dani yell.

Concern took over and I walked to the door. "Dani?" I knocked. No answer. "Are you okay?"

"Get off of me!"

I put my hand on the handle, "Dani I-" The sudden urge to open the door swept over me.

But what if she's naked. That's a concern.

What if she needs help? That's also a concern.

"Let me go!" she shouted.


I pushed open the door and walked in with my head on a swivel, "Dani?"


My head shot towards the direction of her voice and I saw her against the wall. Her knees were held up to her chest and I could hear her sobbing.

Quickly I walked over and knelt down in front of her. "Dani, hey," I tapped her shoulder.

She was shaking and I didn't know what else to do so I held her arms. "Dani." I said again to try and snap her out of it.

Something seemed to happen as she flinched under me, grabbing onto my arms. "Stop!" she cried again.

"Hey, it's me," I looked at her and she was scared. So fucking scared. She kept hitting my arms and I let her, "Dani, it's Hunter."

She finally looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "Make it stop," she let out another sob.

I realized crying would only make her injuries worse even if she couldn't feel them at the moment. I could still feel her shaking under me as I brushed her hair out of her face.

"You're okay," I tried to calm her down.

She dropped her head and rested it against my shirt, "Just please...make it stop." She said into my chest, clutching onto my shirt.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, "It's's okay Dani." I whispered into her hair.

I gently stroked her back in hopes it would help her settle down. I still heard her quiet cries into my shirt and I shut my eyes.

God I hate seeing her like this.

I felt her tight grip on my shirt loosen as her cries turned into shaky breaths. At least she was calming down.

I pulled my head back and felt her grab my arm, afraid. "Hey, I'm not going anywhere," I wiped the tears from under her eyes, "I'm right here."

She took in a breath before she tensed and looked down at her stomach. I knew she was hurting.

"Let's get you to bed, okay?" I whispered and she nodded at me.

I picked her up from under her shoulders and she hooked her arms around my neck as I pulled her up.

I could see the pain on her face as she tried to stand up, "Put your weight on me," I said as I walked her over to my bed.

I helped her lay down and pulled the covers up. She grabbed my hand before I walked away.

I turned around and looked at her, "Please..." she whispered, lightly squeezing my hand.

I sat down on the bed, "I don't think that's a good idea." I said, unsure of her offer.

Her fingers tightened around mine again, "I can' alone..." her voice was weak.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, still considering what I should do.


"Ok." I whispered. I placed her hand by her side and walked over to the other edge of the bed.

I got under the covers but kept my distance. Turning onto my stomach I let my arm fall to the side and was surprised when I felt her grab my hand.

"Thank you." she mumbled.

I didn't pull my hand away and neither did she. I finally felt satisfied when I heard her breaths even out.

With my head on the pillow it didn't take long for me to do the same.

cuties falling asleep holding hands...

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ily guys and thanks for 180k reads i'm actually mind-blown

i didn't think people would like this story

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