chapter forty eight: breakaway

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I think we might've figured out how to do this. You know, the whole not real, totally fake dating thing.

These past few days have been...good. Yeah. Good. No. They've been fucking great.

We got the hang of holding hands, but that's really it. We've decided no babe calling because he already calls me a nickname.

I feel bad that I don't have one for him, but I'm sure I can figure it out soon.

We've also indulged in plenty more "practice sessions." Although it's just my cover to make out with him because hell, he's good at it.

I'm pretty certain he knows that, but he hasn't said anything. And I'm not about to.

So that's where I find myself this evening. On the couch, in the middle of another "practice session."

Straddling his lap he anchored my hips down with his hands. One arm was draped over his shoulder while my opposite hand tangled in his hair.

I loved touching his hair.

It was so smooth. It was just...nice. Really fucking nice.

We've been kissing a lot recently. Like, maybe a little too much but who's complaining.

Two days ago we went to another night session. We made out in the locker room.

We got back to the apartment. We made out in his room. We tried going to sleep. Made out.

Woke up. Made out.

And now we're here. Making out. Again.

I think I'm addicted to kissing him honestly. But in my opinion, it's one healthy addiction.

This time my tongue was down his throat. I tried to be in control this time and he had no problem in abiding by that.

I was having fun, you know, being in control. He seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did. I could tell by the way he let out those perfect, deep groans more often.

I was squealing like a child. In my head of course.

What I wasn't squealing at was the sound of the doorknob jiggling. In a state of panic I pulled back and scrambled off his lap.

He looked at me like I was ridiculous but I didn't care. I was not letting Cal walk in on that.

I felt my face flush in embarrassment and he let out a small laugh. This is not funny Hunter.

Getting up I duck into the bathroom as the front door opens. When I look in the mirror I'm glad I did.

I look like a fucking tomato.

I cupped my face and took a few breaths to calm myself down. My lips were red and swollen and all tingly.

I had to stop thinking about what I was doing a few seconds ago. That only made me blush harder.

Stop. Stop. Stop.

Stop blushing god dammit.

I jumped back from the counter as the door opened. I swung my head towards the door and saw Hunter walk in.

"Calm down. It's just me." he jokes, softly closing the door.

My heart settled a little bit knowing it wasn't Cal. But it started racing again when I knew it was Hunter instead.

I bit on my inner cheek and turned away. A tingle shot down my spine when I felt him run his hands over the back of my shoulders.

God I need to get these nerves in check.

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