chapter thrity eight: overthinking

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Today has been nerve wrecking.

Not only because it's the Christmas Eve of Christmas Eve or I guess Christmas Eve Eve, but Allie also let me in on a little secret of hers.

While the guys were at practice she came into my room and told me that she wants to tell Carter about the pregnancy.

So while he was gone, I helped her make a little box where she'd put the pregnancy tests and give it to him for Christmas.

I absolutely loved the idea only, I needed wrapping paper which unsurprisingly Bev didn't have. So I'm on the way over to Cal's apartment to get some.

I could go pay for it, but if I can get it for free what's the point.

I laugh at myself before parking the car. I get out and walk towards the elevator, pressing his floor, I wait patiently for the elevator to go up.

I step out of the elevator and walk over to his door. Grabbing the key from under the mat I unlocked the door. "Honey! I'm home!" I yelled, swinging the door open.

"Hey Cal, come look at-"

Woah. I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping when Hunter walked into the room. Shirtless. He stopped when he saw me and I quickly closed my mouth.

I couldn't lie. I might've been staring a little too hard at his muscles. I need to stop. Shaking my head I walk over. "Sometimes I forget you're an athlete."

He smiles as I stand in front of him. "What gives it away?" He pushes his hair back and I notice the shirt hanging on his shoulder.

He must have just got out of the shower because he looks clean. Smells clean too. "These things." I poke his arm. They were basically like bricks, I was surprised. "But it's ok. You needed them. You used to be a stick." I joked.

"Shut up." he laughs and pushes my shoulder. He takes the shirt off his shoulder and throws it over his head. "So what brings you here?" he asks.

"I just need to get some stuff from the closet." I drop my eyes from his and start walking towards the door. I didn't hear him walk with me, but I didn't mind.

I opened the closet and it looked cleaned up from the last time I was in here. It was a small space but enough to step into.

I searched around until I looked in the back where I saw a roll of wrapping paper. I pull it out and take a pack of tissue paper with it. Walking out I see both of them in the kitchen.

"Alright, I think I'm gonna head out." I say at the archway.

"That's it?" Cal asks, leaning against the counter. "I haven't even said hi yet."

"Well I have important things to do," I said, pointing to the paper. "Presents to wrap."

They both walk towards me and Cal gives me a hug. "Is this present for me? Is that why you're trying to leave." he pushes.

I pull back from the hug and shake my head. "It's a special present. But it has nothing to do with you," I pointed at him, "Or you, so don't get any ideas." I turned to Hunter.

"It's not for me either? I'm so heartbroken honestly." Hunter weeps sarcastically, holding a hand to his heart.

"Yeah how could you do this to us?" Cal wipes an imaginary tear from under his eye and they both laughed.

I roll my eyes. Children. "I'll see you guys...tomorrow yeah?" I said walking towards the door.

"Yeah, tomorrow." Cal calls out from behind me.

I opened the door but before I left I spotted something on the mat. A letter? Bending down I pick it up and read who it's addressed to.

"Hey Hunter!" I turn around and face them again.

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