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Ava's POV xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mason and Ashley are still out on the stupid date and I got stuck hanging out with Alex and Damian. They wanted to do something, but nothing sounded intriguing.

"We could get some coloring books," Alex suggested. I rolled my eyes/

"I haven't done that since I was four." He signed and looked into the distance.

"It's a lost art." I huffed as we sat on my bedroom floor struggling to find something to entertain us.

"Oh I have an idea, why don't we go through Ava's closet," Alex said and Before I could stop Alex he jumped up and ran over to my walk-in closet digging through it. I crawled over to the closet and sat in there just laughing at him.

"If you're trying to find something dirty then you're in the wrong closet." Damian gets up and walks over to join us on the floor of my wali n closet. It was pretty big, the side of my bedroom back at home. I didn't even have enough clothes to fill it up.

"Clearly, Mason is going to be disappointed when he takes your clothes off to find granny panties." Alex sounded a little muffled his head in the racks of shirts I haven't worn.

"Who says I'm wearing any panties?" I could feel Damian's body stiffen next to me. Alex whistles.

"You naughty girl." He wiggles his fingers in front of my face. I sleep his hand away and laugh at him.

"I have another idea" Alex lifts his head putting his hands on his hips like some rotor superhero. Me and Damian start groaning.

"Hush now children let's play truth or dare. If you don't complete the dare or you don't answer the truth you owe the other person a favor." My eyebrows shot up and I slowly nod my head.

"Ok, That could be fun." I should have known agreeing to this would be a bad idea because of what came out of Alex's mouth next.

"Ava I dare you to let me get you some lingerie" I gasp and hit him in the arm. He dramatically falls over and starts rolling away.

"I've been hit, call an ambulance call an ambulance. But not for me." He grabs one of my shoes and throws it at me hitting me in the head. I groan as I start to press on the spot I got hit at to see how sensitive it is. I see a shadow crouch in front of me and look up to see Damian. He cradles my head in both his hand looking at my forehead.

"Are you ok?" He asked still inspecting the spot.

"Yea I'm fine," I whisper. Alex clears his throat and we look over to see him in a feathered boa and a wig on. Where the hell did he get that stuff I know it wasn't in here. I start looking around the room trying to figure out where it came from.

"Darling let me tell you something," he says in a deep southern accent. "Lingerie turns a man on more than being naked does, can I get an amen/" he points to Damian who doesn't respond. After a second of silence, he starts to shake his head.

"Amen," Damian gives in making Alex start walking closer to us.

"Just listen to me, you like Mason right, you want to hold him, please him, then you gotta gotta show a little tenderness." He starts singing and I laugh realizing is a quote from Shrek. "and let me get you some lingerie." He finishes off by plopping himself down in front of us. I sigh.

"Ok fine." I reluctantly agree to make him squeal, and whip out his phone. I suppose it is my turn now, I turn to Damian.

"Have you ever had sex?" I ask slapping my hand on my mouth as soon as it came out. Damian just froze looking at me while Alex was dreaming 'ohhhhhhhhhh' right beside us.

"I'm not answering that." He says in a monotone voice. I scrunch up my eyebrows.

"Why not it's a yes or no question," I ask wondering what's keeping him from answering.

"It's too personal," he says his shoulders relaxing.

"If you don't answer in going to assume it's a yes." I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't care what you think, it's either I'm still a virgin or I couldn't wait for my mate. Both look bad on a guy." I shake my head.

"a lot of people wait for their mate it's not a big deal."

"No one ever admits it though. " He sighed and Alex cleared his throat gaining our attention.

"Alright, so Damian owes Ava a favor and it's Damian's turn. Does anyone have a crayon so I can write this stuff down?" He looks all around him like id just have one laying on my closet floor.

"Ava do you have feelings for me?" The room went dead silent as I looked up at Damian his eyes started deeply into mine. We sat there in silence until he broke it. "Do you feel anything towards me?" He asked again.

"Yes" I breathed barely above a whisper. A spark danced through his eyes and a light smile tugged on his lips.

"No, no, no, no, no" I turn my head to look at Alex. "I will not be a witness to you breaking my man's heart mmm-hmm " he has getting up and starting towards the door. I follow him out there.

"What so it's okay for Mason to go on literal dates, but I can't like someone?" I asked. I don't like the hypocrisy.

"Dates? Oh you mean the dates he has to go on because his mate can't make up her mind." He says walking to my bedroom door.

"Yes because I'm sure he has to go on them. I'm sure he and Ashley are getting along really well right now with their tongues down each other throat." I throw my hands in the air and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Ashley? ASHLEY?" He bends down laughing. "You really need to learn what you're talking about before you talk about it." He straightens himself out and leaves still laughing to himself.

"What did he mean by that?" I asked out loud and tuned to face Damon to was leaning on the closet door frame, a smirk resting on his face.

"Ad what's that look for?" I crossed my arms.

"You liiiiiiike me," he says in a singing voice. I start to blush.

"What, no I don't I just said that to make you feel better." I try to explain.

"Oh, yea I'm sure." He scoffs

"It's true" I was hoping he would believe me. He then starts walking over to me. My breath hitched in the back of my throat.

"You want me to believe" he starts wrapping on arm around my waist pulling me into him. He leans in so our lips are just a breath away. His other hand finds its way behind my neck holding it there. "That I have no effect on you?" He finishes brushing his nose against a giant mine.

"Yes," I breath As I started to feel my eyes flutter close. A pit in my stomach starts forming and I feel guilty for doing this to Mason, but I push the feeling away knowing he has done the same thing. And is probably doing it right now.

"Let me change that" then he pushes my head forward to meet his. The kiss is slow and yet the warmth coming from him makes it hot. His lips are soft and feel like butter. I couldn't help but compare it to masons and feel like nothing could ever measure up to that. Damian softly bites my bottom lip I suck in a breath he takes advantage of that and slips his tongue in my mouth. He massages my tongue with him until I can't breathe anymore. He breaks the kiss and leans his head against mine. Both of us struggling to catch our breaths

"Tell me when you want me to take you away from here" he places a gentle kiss on my cheek and walks out the door.

"You fucked up." I couldn't agree with her more.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im really trying not to rush the story, I just want to get to all the good parts already. Im having trouble pacing myself, but Im trying my best.

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