Chapter 30: SDK

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Sean’s POV:

Last night state-side

I lie there staring at him for a while before easing out of bed. Pulling on my pants I grab my socks and shoes quietly trying not to wake him. I can’t believe I had sex with Dover… don’t get me wrong it was fucking fantastic but… I shouldn’t have done it. McClane and I—

            ‘Please don’t start with that McClane shit again. I’m so sick and tired and listening to you whine about how guilty you feel about fucking Dover but in the same breath how great sex was with him. You didn’t think this decision would be easy did you? That the answer would appear and everything would be candy canes and rainbows from now on. I understand that you want to see where things go with McClane. I get that there is history between you two but McClane fucked up.

Not just a little bit but a lot and you deserve to see what else is out there for you. I’m not telling you to dump McClane and stick with Dover no, I’m saying give yourself time to figure out what it is you want. You’ve been placid all your life… now is the time to make waves.’ My conscience said. Going to the bed I looked down at Dover’s sleeping face. He was adorable… all soft and warm snuggled up in his comforters. Honestly I could see myself with Dover… it wouldn’t be hard to be with him but then in the same instance I can see myself with McClane. Sighing I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

“You know standing over someone while they sleep is a bit stalkerish.” Dover said stretching a bit across the mattress.

“I know I wasn’t trying to be stalkerish… I wanted to burn the image of you like that in my brain before I left.” I said. Sitting up Dover looked over to the alarm clock then back to me.

“What time do you have to be back?” He asked quietly not meeting my eyes.

“Ten thirty.” I replied. Nodding Dover pushed the comforters back and stood. He was as naked as the day he was born. Going to his closet he pulled out a pair of shorts and a wife beater. I watched him pull them on and slowly turn back to me with a broken smile on his face.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it together so I’ll say my goodbyes now.” He said his eyes becoming teary. Going to him I held my arms open. Wrapping his arms around my waist he squeezed hard.

“I’ll see you when you get back.” He said into the crook of my neck. I could feel the heat of his tears against my skin as I pulled back. Taking my thumbs I brushed the tears away and pressed my forehead to his.

“I asked Declan to take care of Micah and my mom if I don’t make it back. I know it’s a lot and yeah it’s weird for me to ask but I need to know that if I die you’ll help Declan take care of McClane. You two are important to me and I’ll rest easy knowing you two will be there for one another.” I said. He stood there wide eyed for a second before nodding his head yes.

“You can count on me.” He said his voice a bit hoarse. Placing a kiss against his lips I went for the door. If I stayed any longer I wouldn’t be able to leave.

“Kick some ass for me.” He said wiping his face. Swallowing hard I turned to him and smiled. With a wink I was gone.

Dover’s POV:

            “Dover you have to eat something… if you don’t I’m gonna tell mom.” Dannick said as he pushed a plate towards me. Taking my fork I pushed the food around for a bit before placing the fork down again.

            “Worrying isn’t gonna help anything.” Donnie said quietly. Looking to him I sat up in my chair and picked my fork back up. Of the four of us Desmond was the best cook. And even his infamous barbeque chicken, red beans and rice couldn’t shake me from this funk.

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