Chapter 25: ADS

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Avery’s POV:

            “So what happened after that?” I asked after Kate fell silent. Settling back into the cushions of the sofa she closed her eyes.

            “I got to the party and as soon as I walked in the door Jake was handing me a drink. Everything was fine. The music was right; everybody was in good spirits… I remember going to the restroom and I left my drink with Khloe Jake’s girlfriend. When I came back my drink was gone. She said a waitress took my glass but she ordered me a new one. I didn’t think anything about it… a waitress came back with a drink and I kept partying… about half way through my drink I couldn’t feel my face. I don’t remember what happened after that drink. When I woke up I was in a white room with beeping machines and my parents were outside talking to this doctor. 

My granny said I’d come home… dirty, smelling of sex, drunk and high on my hippie drugs. I tried to make out with my own father. I slapped my mother in the left boob. I chased Penny around the house with a pair of scissors because I wanted to eat the cotton candy out of her brain. Then I tried to jump out the attic window because I wanted to fly…the doctor said I had twenty one milligram of ecstasy in my blood. One more milligram and I would have gone into cardiac arrest.” She said. Standing from the sofa she pushed her hair behind her ears and started pacing around the room.

            “I tried to tell them. I didn’t knowingly take any drugs but my parents didn’t believe me. They signed me up from rehab and told me I was a disappointment to them. After my family left another doctor came in. She said she wanted to talk to me in private about what had happened. She said she was my court appointed gynecologist. When she examined me she found tearing and bruising. She asked had my boyfriend been… rough with me before. I just laughed because Micah and I hadn’t had sex in months and I’d only screwed Jake once. That’s when she told me her suspicions. She thought I’d been drugged and raped. That I wasn’t supposed to make it, the shit in my system was supposed to kill me.” Kate said wiping tears from her face. Swallowing hard she turned her back to the both of us. Looking to McClane I saw him stand from his chair.

            “Katie…” He whispered as he approached her. Placing a hand on her shoulder he turned her around slowly. This was the first time I’d ever seen Kate like this. She looked… broken. Pulling her into his arms she wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight.

            “I got you Katie…”McClane whispered as he rocked her back and forth. Suddenly Kate pulled back from McClane’s arms, her face red in anguish and wet with tears.

            “I’ve not told you the best part yet.” She said her voice cracking a bit.

            “I was shipped off to rehab and while there I got a visitor… I was happy because I thought maybe my mom or dad came by to see me but no… it was none other than Donavon Walker. He walked up to the table grinning at me. I was going to tell him to fuck off but he threw a stack of pictures at me… pictures from that night at the bar. When I walked through the door, when I got my drink, when I left to go to the restroom, when he poured a packet of powder in my fresh drink, when I drank from it, pictures of me passed out in the back of his van. Pictures of me naked... I thought I’d throw up… I thought it couldn’t get any worse than that but then he pulled out his phone.

There was a video prepped up on the screen and he pressed play. It was of him… and me in the van… he was doing things… things I didn't think possible to do to another human being. I couldn’t understand how he was holding his phone steady and raping me at the same time when the phone turned and Khloe’s face appeared. She said don’t worryI wasn't the only one being punished. That Jake was fucking some girl with gonorrhea and he doesn’t know it yet. That it was his punishment for cheating on her and this was my punishment for cheating on Donavon. I didn’t know what to say… I didn’t know what to do. I sat there staring at his smug face wanting nothing more than to kill him. When he picked up the pictures and he told me that if anyone found out about our little secret… he would do the same thing to Penny and my mom… and he would make my dad watch before he killed them.” She said her voice tapering off into a whisper.

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