Chapter 36: SK

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Sean’s POV:

We’ve been driving none stop for hours. The sun thankfully has set giving us a break from its burning rays. Everyone is tired, hot and ready to drop from this intense ride. Before we knew about the rebels we would sing to the radio and crack jokes on one another. Now it’s nothing but silence. Every so often we’ll get a transmission from Delta Bravo but that’s it. I sat next to Troy as we rode towards the Syrian border. We wouldn’t stop until we reached our contacts on the other side. Only then would I’d be able to breathe.

                “Sir, I think we should take a pit stop for about ten minutes. Let everyone stretch their legs for a bit.” Adamson said through the breaker box.

                “You’re right. We only have about ten miles to go, let’s break and be back on the road in ten.” I said. Slowly we pulled over out of sight of the road hiding behind a few rock formations. Before any of the civilians got out we checked the perimeter to make sure all was safe.

                “Clear!” Thomas yelled back from his post. Going to the truck I peered in at Troy’s tense face.

                “All clear you guys can come out.” I said. Nodding Troy opened the door and stepped out. He looked terrified. Going around the truck I waited until we were alone before pulling my pistol from my holster.

                “Here.” I said handing him the pistol. Looking to me Troy frowned then looked back to the pistol.

                “What’s this for?” He asked.

                “For just in case… I want you to have something to protect yourself.” I said. Nodding Troy studied the pistol then looked to me.

                “I think this is going to be my last tour… Once the outpost are updated I think I’m gonna go home… spend some time with my mom and try to meet a nice guy and spend the rest of my life being happy.” He said. Pulling my holster from my waist I adjusted and wrapped it around him.

                “I’ve been thinking the same thing.” I said quietly. Slowly I looked into Troy’s eyes to see his confusion and concern.

                “Don’t get me wrong I want to be a Marine. I understood the sacrifice when I signed up for the job… it’s just… I don’t want to leave my mom all alone. I know she’ll have Micah to look after her but it’s not the same. I’ve been thinking about transferring to the engineering unit after my full tour is up. I know my mom will be happy and I’ll be able to see and experience more than the do or die part of being a Marine.” I said taking the pistol and placing it on his hip.

                “I don’t see any harm in that.” Troy said as he adjusted the holster a bit. I was about to comment on how he looked with the holster on his hip when everything got quiet. Turning from Troy I surveyed the area. Something was wrong. Something was (BOOM!!)

Kate’s POV:

They weren’t moving fast enough. Penny should already be in my arms and Donavon should be behind bars. I was expecting just to see McClane come through Avery’s door instead McClane and Dover entered the house looking grim and focused.

                “Thank you for coming.” I said going to him. Hugging me hard McClane pressed his lips to my temple. Pulling back I tried to keep myself from boo hooing all over him. Looking to Avery McClane motioned to the kitchen. I watched them go leaving me with Dover. He looked to me then back to the doorway McClane and Avery disappeared through.

                “He didn’t tell me anything… when you called he was drunk and I was afraid to let him drive. He just kept saying you needed him and I had to get him here as fast as I could.” Dover blurted out suddenly. Turning to him I tried to smile at his nervousness.

                “It’s okay… I’m glad you’re here.” I said going to the sofa I sat down and tried to breathe.

                “I don’t want to pry but if I can help I’ll do whatever I can.” Dover whispered to me taking he seat next to me. Clearing my throat I tried to compose myself before I spoke.

                “I was a bitch in high school. I used people like tissues and because of it my sister is now being held captive. His name is Donavon Walker and he’s—“ Standing from the sofa Dover pulled his phone from his pocket.

                “Donavon Walker, Senator Reed’s son. I know the asshole. Hold on.” Dover said shifting through his contact. I sat on the sofa semi-patiently waiting for Dover to end his impromptu conversation.

                “Hey it’s me… I need you to run Donavon Walker for me… yeah, it’s personal so can you not tell my dad… thanks Julia you are awesome.” He said before turning to me.

                “I have a friend who can get us everything on Walker. I met him a few times when his dad came by the base. We never liked him or his dad. They thought they could do whatever they wanted and nothing would ever happen to them. I’ve been waiting years to put that fucker in his place.” Dover explained. It felt good knowing I had a friend and we both had a common enemy. Before I could thank him his phone jingled. Scrolling through his phone Dover looked to me then to his phone again.

                “We have a winner… Donavon Walker Reed has been a very busy boy. He’s wanted for question in a couple assaults downtown, two robberies and… fuck… um… “ Looking to me again Dover shook his head. Standing from the sofa I tried to stay calm.

                “What is it Dover?” I asked.

                “They found the bodies of two people in a burned down building, Jake Morgan and Khloe Sims. They were stabbed, mutilated and burned beyond recognition. They were identified by dental records. From the evidence collected at the crime scene Donavon’s semen was found in both Jake and Khloe. He’s wanted for questioning and suspected of murder.” It felt like the world had just opened up underneath me. He killed Jake and Khloe… he killed them and now he has Penny.

                “This isn’t happening… it can’t be happening… maybe this isn’t real…” I whispered trying to keep myself from falling completely apart. I had to get my sister back. I don’t care what it cost or what I have to do but I will not let Donavon Walker take her away. I’ll kill him first and that is a fucking promise.

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