Chapter 24: Kate (Past)

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Kate’s POV:

Six Years Ago…

            “Slow down Katelin… leave some for me.” Pulling the vodka bottle from my mouth I looked back at the guy I happened to be riding at the time. Swallowing the last bit of vodka I threw the bottle to the trash littered floor and pushed off him.

            “When did you become such a buzz kill Donny?” I asked my words slurring a bit. Shuffling a bit to my left I kicked up my stained underwear into the air and caught them like a pro.

            “I ain’t a buzz kill… why you tryin’ to rush? You got somewhere else you gotta be?” Donny asked yanking his pants from his knees. Turning towards him I stuck my tongue out and went over to my bag.

            “I can’t stay out like I did last night… that old bitch across the street has been watching my coming and goings. Since her husband up and died she ain’t got nothing better to do than to eye spy on me.” I said stumbling a bit to my right. Standing Donny shoved his sock covered feet back into his dusty sneakers and reached for his pack of pot laced cigarettes. Pulling two out Donny lit them then handed me one. Pulling in the smoke into my lungs I felt the buzz of the smoke mingle with the vodka in my system.

            “Well we don’t want you getting into trouble with the old lady police, you better come on so I can drop you off.” He chuckled blowing out a bit of smoke. Pulling the cigarette from my lips I shook my head.

            “You know I can’t let you take me home.” I said a bit sober than before. This has been a reoccurring argument between Donny and I. I may be fucked up right now but I ain’t that fucked up. Donny wasn’t the ‘come meet the parents’ type. He was the ‘after midnight in the dark hook up’ type. Frowning Donny turned away and went towards the window.

            “Come on Katelin… it’s pretty late. I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if I let you walk home all alone.” He said. If he would have said this earlier I would have bit my tongue, the thought of Donavon Walker as my boyfriend was an insult. Too bad this isn’t earlier.

            “You aren’t my boyfriend. You’re not even a friend. This is nothing but sex. F-U-C-K-I-N-G. No love, no feeling and especially no kissing. All I want from you is little Donny nothing more, nothing less.” I was expecting him to explode or catch an attitude but instead he did neither. After I finished dressing I dialed a cab and made my way downstairs where the party was still going. Donny followed quietly with this blank look on his face. I waited on the porch for my cab as Donny stood on the other side staring at me with unreadable eyes. As my cab pulled up I pushed off the railing and took a step down only to have Donny grab my wrist and twirl me around.

            “That was the last time you make a fool out of me.” He growled in my face. Before I could say anything he released me pushing me forward down the remainder of the steps. I watched as he strutted back inside without another glance. Rolling my eyes I made it to my cab and started my journey home. Usually when I’m wasted like this I doze off until the cabby knocks on the window waking me. While I tried to relax I couldn’t get the image of Donny’s face out of my head.

I hate to admit this but just that one sentence scared the hell out of me. Just thinking about it killed my buzz leaving me with little bits of fear and uncertainty. Once the cab turned onto my street I’d made the decision to cool it with Donny. All I wanted was to have a good time. If he couldn’t play that game anymore then it was time for me to move on.

            “That’ll be twenty-four fifty.” The cabby said pushing the window open. Pulling a twenty and ten from my wallet I handed it to him.

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