Chapter 44: MiSe

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Micah's POV:

                It's been about eight weeks since Sean’s been released from the VA hospital. We all thought he'd be this brooding mess about what happened on his tour instead he was just… Sean. I expected Dover to pay more than one visit but when I asked Sean about it he said Dover didn’t want to hover and take up all his time. He said he would come see Sean again when he thought the time was right. As cool as I tried to play it I was beyond words that he was home now. Seeing him in that hospital bed reminded me of Declan and how helpless I felt.

                Now that he's on inactive duty I could relax a bit and not worry about getting another phone call in the middle of the night from Sean's mother. Everyone in town was happy to see Sean back. So happy they would descend upon him like he was a pre-teen pop star who still had his baby teeth. It got to the point one time police had to be called in to clear the crowds away. That's the reason why we're now two counties over grocery shopping. Sean wanted to get back into the swing of things and you can't try to live a normal life with people clamoring to get your picture.

                "Will you give it a rest already?" He said scanning the cereal shelves. I stood back a few steps with my own buggy trying to look innocent. Looking back Sean grinned at me.

                "I haven't done anything." I said. Nodding Sean took a box from the shelf and tossed it into his cart.

                "You look guilty as hell Mike. You can stop worrying I'm gonna fall apart or go postal. I'm really alright." He assured me before heading down the rest of the aisle. I watched him go trying to make myself relax. He was right, I did worried. I mean we all did but we couldn't help it. You hear so many stories about guys who go on tour and come back a shell of the person they use to be. I guess I was just scared that at any moment that could happen to Sean.

                "Sweet! They've got t-bone steaks on sale!" Sean yelled. Bringing my eyes back into focus I realized he'd left me on the cereal aisle. Going to the meat section I started putting packs of meat into the buggy.

                "Um… is there something you're not telling me." Sean asked. Looking to him I frowned.

                "What?" I asked. Pointing to all the meat he gave me a thought smile.

                "Are we eating for two now?" He asked. Eating for two?

                "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked confused then it hit me. Throwing a pack of chicken at him I wheeled my buggy away.

                "Very funny asshole, if you must know Declan is on a high protein and vegetable diet. The county soccer league is starting up soon and he's going out for first string." I explained making my way to the check out lines.

                "Sure he is." Sean called out. Pausing I turned to him and shot him a bird.

                "Micah, where are your manners?" Sean asked mockingly as he passed by me. Getting in line he pulled a magazine from the rack and started leafing through it.

                "It's nice to see I didn't miss anything in celebrity news." He said showing me a picture of a very pregnant Sara Sardashian and her sometimes maybe boyfriend Cayenne East. We giggled over the magazine until it was our turn to put our groceries up. As Sean emptied his buggy I looked to the cashier and literally did a double take.

                "Holy shit." I whispered. Looking to me Sean looked back to the cashier. Just like me he did a double take.

                "He looks like he could be your twin." I whispered to Sean who just stared at the cashier.

The Unexpected LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora