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"Thank you," I smiled at the cashier that handed me back the changes. I left the convenience store with an ice cream in my hand. One of the things I hated was the alley next to the store. Usually, bullies would hang out there and catcall girls that walked alone. My father told me to never give any reactions so that I wouldn't entertain them.

I heard laughter and loud conversations in the alley. I secretly glanced at them and saw Sunghoon hanging out with his stupid friends. His stupid friends would always skip classes and sometimes I caught them smoking and drinking alcohol. I wasn't sure whether Sunghoon would join them too. All I know was he was friends with them ever since kindergarten.

Jay was not with them and it made me relieved that he wasn't the type to engage in bad behaviour. "Hana-yah!" One of the stupid friends called me and whistled. I scoffed silently and rolled my eyes as I walked away. My eyes widened when I heard them talking about Yurin.

"Who is she?"

"Yurin's friend. The one that broke Jay's heart."

"Oh, that bitch?"

I clenched my ice cream cone until it broke and turned around to face them, "Yah!"

They all went silent and looked at me in confusion. "Feelings change, you assholes. So who cares if they both fell out of love? At least they don't break the school rules like you. What are you going to do with your life, acting like these stupid students?"

I never knew their names but I recognised their faces. And this boy that looked like their gang leader threw his cigarette on the ground before walking towards me. I backed away nervously but tried my best to maintain my composed expression.

"You better watch your mouth, missy. You're alone right now and we're way more than you. Who knows what we can do to you right now?"

"What?" I laughed, "Rape me? Harass me? Please do. We all know my parents are the most powerful people and they can just destroy you and your future with one snap, loser."

"Don't just assume people's future just because you're rich and smart, Hana. We don't know yours yet."

"Well, with that behaviour of yours, we both know you will definitely be working under me."

He raised his hand to slap me but stopped when Sunghoon called him, "Taehyun!"

He approached both of us and held my hand tightly, "We don't hit girls. Let me handle her."

He glared at me before pulling me away from the alleyway. As we almost reached my house, I squatted and breathed in and out heavily. I was nervous as hell when facing the guy named Taehyun. I was so scared he would harm me.

"What is the matter with you?" Sunghoon asked with his voice filled with anger, "You're lucky I was there to stop Taehyun from beating you up. You know his gang is known for that, right?"

I realised he was still gripping my trembling hand. I stood up properly and let go of his hand slowly. "Why do you hang out with them anyway?"

"They're my friends."

"Can't believe you smoke and drink too. I believe you also skip classes?"

"I never said I did all of those. Is being friends with them wrong? You should stop jumping to conclusions."

I felt horrible for accusing him. The tension between us became awkward as hell. "I'm so sorry," I apologised and kept my head lowered. He let out a small chuckle and smacked my back gently, "That's your house, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded and watched as he walked away, leaving me alone. I sighed and made my way home. That day was hectic. From me losing the opportunity to join my most awaited competition to Jihu, to Sunghoon talking to me for the first time and sending me home.


Sunghoon walked alone as he watched the sky turn dark. He turned around to glance at Hana's house, seeing her bedroom lights turning on. His lips curved into a small smile and he turned back around, facing the front.

"Glad you're home safe. Who knows what Taehyun would do to you," he unconsciously muttered under his breath.

Jay lives in this neighbourhood too, right?

He thought for a while and looked around, searching for his best friend's house. When he finally found Jay's house, he sighed in awe. He was envious of how luxurious and huge it was. He felt small in the neighbourhood since it was home to wealthy people. He continued his journey home as he listened to his favourite songs with his earphones.

I lay on my bed as I stared at the ceiling. I raised my hand that Sunghoon held and looked at it for a while.

Why are my cheeks red and warm?

Why is my heart pumping faster than ever?

I closed my eyes, "No! I like Jay, right? Why am I even asking myself this? I wouldn't even think about this if I like Jay."

I turned the nightstand lamp off and the room became dark. The only light shining was the light coming from outside the window. I turned to my right and hugged my bolster, tracing hearts on it.

After what happened that day, I don't think I could even sleep at all.

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