+ thirty-six +

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Sunghoon parked his car in front of my workplace before getting out to open the door for me. I got out and smiled awkwardly, "Thanks."

He nodded and kept looking around but at me. "I hope," I said and he finally looked at me, "I hope we don't meet again. You are an engaged man. How would Jinae feel if she finds out we were always together? Thanks for helping me, Sunghoon. But I think it's best to cut off ties right here. Goodbye."

"Good. I wasn't planning to meet you again after this. Good luck in life, Yoon Hana," he responded and immediately got into his vehicle before driving away.

A gust of wind brushed against my skin and I felt tears threatening to come out. It was the best decision I made. I shouldn't be seen together with an almost-married man. But why did I feel like my heart was breaking into thousands of pieces?

I hit my chest continuously to stop the tears from coming out but I felt my throat aching as words were painful to come out.

I had to push him away first for me to be fine later. I was amazed at how fine he was after hurting me. Did he ever love me? I couldn't trust him when he said he used to have feelings for me. If he did, he wouldn't hurt me like this.

I put on a blank expression and made my way into the building, receiving greetings from the workers there. As I got into the elevator, I leaned against the wall and watched the doors close. Tears trickled down one by one. I wiped them off with the hem of my sleeves and whimpered alone.

The doors suddenly open, revealing Heeseung with his briefcase. He immediately rushed to me, "Hana!"

He pulled me into his embrace and let me cry it all out into his chest. He gently patted my back, "Are you alright? What happened?"

I didn't want to answer. He never knew I was in love with his best friend. And it would just be pathetic if I told him that time, considering Sunghoon already had a fiancée.

I stayed silent and let him comfort me quietly. We stayed like that until the elevator reached our floor.



I walked around Sunghoon's office, patiently waiting for him. I was worried about Hana and I wanted to know immediately what happened the night before. Did he take care of her? Was she okay? I slowly made my way to the bookshelf and saw a photo album he kept at the end of the fifth row.

I took it out and saw a picture of him when he was a baby. My lips curved into a huge smile as I opened the book, seeing pictures of when he was a toddler. Suddenly, a photo fell out and dropped to the floor. I picked it up and saw Hana in the middle of him and Jay. They looked like they were on a camping trip.

I turned the picture around and widened my eyes at what he had written.

"The only person I love, Yoon Hana. Only God knows how much I wanted to apologise to her after what I have done."

I felt my heart beating rapidly as guilt started spreading inside me. I instantly put the picture back inside the album and put the album on the shelf again.

"Am I the person ruining their relationship? Am I in the way of them being together?" I asked myself before jumping in shock when the door opened. Sunghoon stood at the doorway with a confused expression, "What were you doing?"

"Waiting for you. But I found a photo album of you. You were so cute!"

He chuckled and placed his briefcase on the desk before sitting on the couch, "Hana thanked you for lending her your clothes."

"I'm glad I could help you. She must be important to you, huh? Was she your best friend?"

He thought for a while before smiling to himself, "You could say that."

Seeing him like that was enough to confirm my suspicions. I forced out a grin before saying, "Well then, I should go. Didn't want to bother you. Good luck in court today!"

He nodded and watched as I left his office. I lowered my gaze as tears were threatening to come out of my eyes.

"Good morning, Ms Na," a few workers greeted me. I managed to smile at them before entering my office. I leaned against the door before sliding down, burying my face into the palm of my hands.

What have I done?

I ruined a relationship.

I couldn't imagine how Hana would feel after finding out I'm engaged to the person she probably loves all these years.



I entered the court with Heeseung and widened my eyes at the sight of Sunghoon sitting in his seat. As I made my way to my seat, he noticed me and kept eye contact. Heeseung, being the best friend he was, went to him and greeted him. They both talked for a while, leaving me alone as I acted like I was too busy reading the files.

The judge finally arrived and told us to take our seats, "Sorry for the late arrival. We shall start with the case of Kang Jiha."

Kang Jiha murdered her family and when she was interrogated by the police, she didn't let out a single word. All she did was lowering her gaze and bite her nails due to fear.

When Heeseung and I went to her to ask her questions, she finally answered and said that voices were telling her to kill people. We knew she had mental problems and that she should be put into a mental asylum instead of prison.

I leaned towards Heeseung and asked, "Who is Sunghoon defending?"

"He's defending Jiha. So you won't end up fighting with him like the last time," he teased. I smacked him and proceeded to listen to the judge.

"Let us listen to the results of Kang Jiha's mental health first," the judge said and looked at me, waiting for me to start. I took a deep breath and nervously walked to the centre.

"Kang Jiha murdered her family and when we asked her what made her do that, she answered that voices were telling her to commit the crime. She did not show any signs of willingness to murder her beloved family."

"It is proven that she has schizophrenia. She had hallucinations, and delusions which resulted in her hearing all types of voices telling her to commit serious crimes. She should not be put into prison because it could worsen her condition. Instead, putting her into a mental hospital would be a better choice."

The judge nodded before turning to Sunghoon, "What is your opinion, Lawyer Park."

I looked at him and prayed to God that he would agree with my statement. He chuckled before saying, "I agree with Dr Yoon's statement, Your Honour."

The judge nodded before saying, "I also think Dr Yoon's statement is a good idea. Defendant Kang Jiha will be put in a mental hospital until she recovers. Let us hope her condition gets better. Case dismissed," he hit his hammer on the desk.

I tried to suppress my happy smile as I made my way out of the courtroom.

My eyes lit up when I saw Sunghoon walking out of the building. He finally noticed me at the side of the entrance and made his way towards me. As we both finally stood in front of each other, it was like words couldn't come out of my mouth.

"You won the case. Again," I smiled.

"Thanks to your statement, it convinced the judge."

I nodded before looking around awkwardly, avoiding making eye contact with him. He chuckled and finally spoke up, "Do you want to have lunch with me? As a celebration?"

"Really? Well then, I can't say no to food, right?"

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