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[ a few months later ]

"Hana, you should go and reserve a table. I'll go park the car," Jinae said before unlocking the car doors. I nodded and headed into the restaurant we wanted to try for the first time. It was a bit expensive for me but I needed to reward myself at least once in a lifetime. I entered the restaurant and politely asked if there was a table available for two people.

"Right this way," a waiter bowed and led me to a table. I admired the interior design as I followed behind him. My smile faded when I saw the person I hated the most sitting near my table. Ahrin was crying and Jihu was comforting her as she patted her back continuously. Her other friends were giving her words of assurance as they watched her bawl her eyes out.

They finally saw me and glanced at each other, eyeing me up and down. "Do you have other tables?" I asked. The waiter shook his head, "I'm sorry, Ms Yoon. But all the other tables were reserved by the other customers. This is the last one."

Jinae finally came and grinned, "Why are you still standing? Let's sit and order."

It wasn't my fault that the fake whores hate me. I brushed away all the anxiety rising inside me and sat across from Jinae.

"It's okay, Ahrin-ah. He was a jerk anyway. You deserve so much better," one of the fake friends said. I wasn't even planning to overhear any of their conversations. My lips curved into a smirk as I continued examining the menu.

"Why did you say that? Can't you see who's sitting next to us?" The other person whispered but loud enough for me and Jinae to hear. I exchanged glances with the lawyer in front of me and we both chose to ignore their stupid conversations.

"Stop smirking," I finally heard Ahrin's voice. I ignored her and turned to the other page of the menu. She stood up and snatched the menu away from my hands. "Excuse me," Jinae frowned and looked at me. I sighed and tilted my head to look at the person who betrayed me.

"You must be having so much fun watching me cry. Are you entertained?" Ahrin asked again.

"I don't even know what happened between you and your husband. So don't bother me anymore. We have nothing to talk about. Get lost."

"I bet it's all your fault. You are the reason why he left me for another woman."

I looked at her with startled eyes, it hadn't been that long since she got married. Yet, she got cheated on that quickly?

"How would I know about your marriage problems and affairs? You kicked me out of your wedding. And we both cut off ties a long time ago. Stop saying nonsensical things and grow up."

"Yah," Jinae stood up and glared at her, "Hana didn't even say anything and we don't even know you're having a meal here. Stop acting like you're so important and amazing that she has to stalk you every day, every hour. You're acting so immature. Please throw away your eighteen-year-old behaviour."

"If it isn't Sunghoon's fiancée. How's your boyfriend?"

I looked at Jinae with guilty eyes. She then glanced at me before giving me a soft smile. "Stop attacking people just to make you feel powerful. You're so pathetic. Go cry yourself a river with your fake friends and stop pestering us."

Ahrin felt annoyed and grabbed the glass at Jinae's side of the table before throwing it to the floor. All the customers there flinched in shock when the glass shattered into pieces.

"Just because I invited you to my wedding doesn't mean that you get to tell me your opinions."

"What wedding? Your marriage failed," Jinae laughed before grabbing my wrist, "Let's go. We can eat somewhere else."


"You're lucky the glass didn't hit you," I said as I fed myself some spicy rice cakes. We calmly ate our snacks in front of a truck that sells rice cakes. "I just can't watch them bully you. And what the hell is wrong with Ahrin? I can't even imagine how you became friends with her in the first place."

I thought for a while and tried to recall how I even became friends with the crazy woman. "I was too shy to approach anyone when I first entered high school. She was the first person who came to me and made me feel like I was welcome. But then, Jihu came. And she left me to be friends with her."

"Well, she's a bitch behind a decent human's mask. Stay away from her. She doesn't deserve a friend like you."

Jinae raised her plate towards the lady who was the owner of the truck and said, "Can I have another plate of spicy rice cakes?"

"Oh my, young lady. This is your fourth plate!"

"I'm very hungry," she giggled and watched as the lady served her another plate of the snack. The lady continued doing her work before raising her voice excitedly, "Oh! It's you again!"

We both turned around to look who it was and saw Heeseung and Sunghoon walking towards us. My heart started beating at a faster pace as I imagined flower petals falling around the handsome lawyer.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were trying out the new restaurant," Heeseung asked. "Something happened," Jinae answered and watched as he took a plate of rice cakes from the lady.

Sunghoon silently grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. He planted a kiss on my head before whispering, "I missed you."

I grinned and fed him a rice cake, "We just met three days ago. Sorry for being too busy lately."

"How about you and Jinae have a meal here? I'm gonna take a walk with Hana around the park," he then said before pulling me with him. I scowled, "I didn't finish my food!"

"Let them bond!" He ruffled my hair and turned to look at the two potential lovebirds. I rolled my eyes and chuckled before linking my arm with his. "The real reason why we left the restaurant was that Ahrin harassed us."

"What?! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. But I really can't stand being in the same room as her. She will just find anything to pester me about. But did you know that her husband left her for another woman? That made me a bit relieved since it was a big slap to her face."

"I'm just glad you're fine. If she ever bothers you again, just tell me. It is my job to protect you."

"Wait, Sunghoon," I stopped walking and faced him. He hummed in response, confused and curious. "Close your eyes," I said and watched as he obeyed me. I slowly tiptoed before planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes widened as he was flustered by the sudden gesture.

It was entertaining to see him surprised and frozen. I laughed and continued walking ahead of him. "Yah! You can't do that! That's not fair!" I heard him shout as he chased after me.

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