+ eleven +

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"Mom! We're late!" I panicked when I saw students running laps at the field for coming late. I was never late for school. My mother took such a long time to get ready that she had forgotten she had to send me to school. "Hey! Don't be rude. I'm sorry, I didn't notice the time," she apologised as she unlocked the car doors.

I frowned and jumped out of the vehicle. I hesitantly watched the discipline teacher wait at the front gate. I didn't want to be late for class and run laps around the field. I secretly sneaked to the back of the school and took a deep breath as I planned to climb up the wall.

"How can I get up there?" I muttered under my breath and closed my eyes, cursing at myself. My eyes opened wide when I heard someone's footsteps approaching me. To my surprise, Sunghoon came with an unfazed expression. He had his earphones on and looked at the wall before throwing his backpack over it.

I immediately approached him and grabbed the hem of his sleeve. He took off his earphones, "What?"

"Can you help me climb over the wall?" I shyly asked as I avoided his intense gaze. He glanced at the wall and me back and forth before sighing heavily. He kneeled on one knee and patted the other one, motioning for me to step on it. "Can I?" I asked, worried that it would hurt him. He nodded, still flashing his blank expression.

I stepped on his thigh and gathered my strength to climb over the wall. I sighed in relief when I managed to land safely. He threw my backpack to me before saying, "Take my backpack with you."

"But I don't know which class you're in."

"I'm in Class B."

I was surprised by the response. I never knew he was also in science class. I thought he would be those students who take business or even art classes. Since Class A and B were next to each other, I could just hand the backpack to one of the female students that I knew.

I ran into the school building and saw that the students were still in the hallway, talking to their friends that were in different classes. I made my way to Class A and saw Jihu sitting in my seat, talking to Jay. I was not planning to be in a bad mood that day. I slammed Sunghoon's backpack on my desk and glared at her, "You're in my seat."

"Oh! Sorry. I thought you weren't coming to school," she said in a scared tone before walking back to her seat. I rolled my eyes and tiredly dropped my bag on the chair. "Why do you have Sunghoon's bag with you?" Jay asked curiously.

"Long story," was all I said before bringing the bag to the class next door. The backpack's owner was already at his desk, playing with his phone. I cleared my throat nervously and knocked on the door. He looked at me and walked towards me, "Thanks," he said as he took his backpack.

I flinched when his hand brushed against mine. It was warm and it made my cheeks redden. I quickly turned away and went back to class before the teacher arrived.


It was finally P.E class. All the students gathered around the teacher and stretched themselves. I looked around the field, seeing the boys laughing out loud about something. "Hana-yah, can you take a few volleyballs in the store room?" The teacher asked me out of the blue. I nodded and made my way to the store room.

As soon as I opened the door, it was dark and eerie. Usually, the teacher would ask the boys to do it but since they were too busy talking to each other, I had to do it. My lips curved into a relieved smile when I saw the balls on the floor next to a shelf.

"The teacher should've asked two more people to help me carry these," I mumbled under my breath as I tried to pick them all up in my arms. When I went closer to the entrance door, the balls fell one by one. I was already sweating and my back was aching. I whined and sat on the floor, "Shit!"

"I thought coming here would give me some peaceful time to myself," a voice said. I jumped in surprise and turned around, seeing Sunghoon walking out from between the shelves. I went to where he was sitting and saw a thick mattress there. I assumed he was sleeping a while ago.

"Sorry," I apologised and followed his gaze that was fixed on the balls. "Where are you bringing those to?" He asked.

"It's P.E for our class now. The teacher told me to carry them to the field."

He nodded and went to pick them up one by one. "You don't have to help me!" I ran to him. I didn't want to bother him. "And what will you do if these balls drop in the middle of your way to the field?" He sarcastically asked.

I gave in and watched as he picked some. He motioned me to pick some up and I obeyed. We both walked side by side as we headed back to the field where my classmates were.

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