+ twenty-seven +

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The clock struck midnight as the alarm rang. I groaned in pain due to the headache that came because of the alcohol. I got out of bed and went to the living room. To my surprise, Heeseung was sleeping on the couch with his phone next to him. He had a red blush due to the warmth of the liquor he consumed earlier.

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw a tear escape his eye. He was still in a deep slumber but he seemed like he was having a bad dream. I picked up his phone to check the time when I saw a text from Ahrin's number. Due to my curiosity, I opened it and saw a wedding invitation to her wedding.

So that was why he cried in his sleep. I grabbed a blanket before putting it on him, making sure he was comfortable.

"It hurts, isn't it? Seeing the people you used to love just appear out of nowhere."

I slowly placed his head to rest on my lap and brushed his hair tenderly with my fingers. He let out soft snores as he breathed in and out calmly.

"All I wanted to do when I met Sunghoon earlier was to run towards him and hug him tightly. But he changed. He is not the Sunghoon I used to know. He became more distant and dangerous."

Heeseung didn't respond. I chuckled and sighed before pushing him away, "Get some sleep, loser."

I went to my office room before turning on my laptop. I was about to do some work when something was encouraging me to search for Sunghoon's name. My curiosity won and I typed his name into the search bar. His pictures appeared and he looked even more handsome in a suit. That was when I realised he was in a court as a lawyer, fighting a case.

"What if one day, I have to defend against him in court?" I asked myself and exhaled heavily, running my fingers through my hair.

"Park Sunghoon won another case. People are angry because the murderer of 45 victims was given only a year in prison due to his court victory."

"Park Sunghoon defends another rich CEO. Wins the case and the CEO is only given a five-month prison time."

"Seems like he would do anything just for money," I mumbled and read more news about him. I scrolled down and saw his picture smiling with the said CEO.

"He does pathetic things, I see."

What if one day, I had to go against him in court?

Questions started flooding my mind as worries started eating me up. "Ugh, who cares. I'm sure he won't take any cases that have anything to do with me."


The sun rose and signalled everyone it was already morning. I walked out of my bedroom in my usual work suit and saw Heeseung groaning in pain as he woke up. I smiled softly and smacked his head, "Are you okay?"

"Not anymore!" He held his head in pain and hissed. "I'm going to work early today. Had to do some preparations in the court. You should get a day off today."

"You know about it, huh? About Ahrin's wedding. I noticed you snooping through my phone last night."

I tightened my grip around my handbag and sat next to him, "I'm so sorry. It just caught my attention. And you were crying in your sleep."

"Did I?" He chuckled and ruffled my hair, "Well, kiddo. Things happen. If she wants to marry someone else, so be it. My feelings for her were just silly things I had during high school."

Hearing him call me a kiddo made me remember the night I met Sunghoon. I clenched my fists and tried to change the topic, "You should go do whatever you want today. I know you're always working because of me. Even on weekends when we should be resting. Sorry."

I got up and headed to the entrance door. "Yoon Hana," he called and made me halt, "Something happened right? That's why you're trying to change the topic. But I'm not gonna pressure you into answering the questions in my mind right now. Good luck in court."

My smile appeared and I nodded, blinking my eyes as worried tears appeared. I immediately got out of the house and breathed heavily.

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