+ thirty-nine +

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Sunghoon opened the door to his house and stood aside to let me in. I hugged myself as I entered his home, shivering due to the coldness washing over me. Being drenched in the rain was a bad idea. He brushed his damped hair with his fingers before rushing to get me a clean towel.

I went towards a drawer and saw picture frames of him from when he graduated from high school and university. He had a big smile on his face as he stood between his parents. My body jumped in surprise when I felt him putting a towel on me out of the blue. I turned around to face him and let him dry my hair tenderly.

"So you like me?" I teased him and watched as he blushed due to the sudden flustered feeling. He threw the towel at me and ran away. "Yah! Don't run!" I chased after him around the living room.

When I finally caught him, he fell on the couch and gave up, "Yeah, I have a crush on you. So what?"

I lay next to him and stared at the ceiling, "Nothing. I just feel like it's so cute. You have a crush on me."

He sighed and faced me before pulling me into a cuddle, "I am never going to let you go now. You're mine forever!"

"Yah! You're cold! I'm going to get a fever!"

"Who cares? Let's be sick together!"

I couldn't help but smile at his cute giggles. I admired his eye smile and traced circles around his cheek. He became silent and grinned at me softly, "I am really not going to let you go."

I punched his chest gently, "Who says I'm going to run away?"

He chuckled and got up before walking to the kitchen, "You should go freshen up with a warm shower. I'm going to make us some hot chicken porridge."

I obeyed and went to his room to take a shower.


Thirty minutes passed and Hana was still not out of the room. I glanced at the bedroom door before turning my attention fully to the cooked porridge. It smelled so delicious that I couldn't wait any longer to eat it. The bedroom door finally opened and revealed Hana in one of my clothes. My cheeks reddened as I looked at the oversized clothes on her.

She was struggling to keep the sweatpants on since it was too big for her waist. She lowered her head shyly and made her way towards me. I avoided eye contact with her to hide my flustered expression.

Since when did she get so cute?

I cleared my throat and served her porridge, "Eat this. It'll make you feel better."

She nodded and began feeding herself. I started eating my portion and watched as she hummed a lively melody while eating.

"This does make me feel better," she smiled at me and continued eating. I could feel butterflies flying in my stomach as I watched her cutely eating the food. I immediately got up and rushed to her before pulling her into a kiss.

I pulled away and stared into her surprised eyes, my lips curving into a smirk. "What was that for?" She asked in her quiet voice. I sighed and embraced her, rubbing her back gently. "I don't want you to ever leave me."

I could feel her smile as she reached her hands to pat my back. "I am never going to leave you, Sunghoon."

I closed my eyes and felt a tear of happiness trickle down my cheek.



"Great to see you again, Dr Lee! Alone as usual?" A waiter greeted me at the entrance of my favourite restaurant. I would always go there alone to think about all the stressful things that happened. And it had the most beautiful scenery in Seoul since it was on the highest floor of a luxurious hotel.

I nodded, "Yes."

As I followed the waiter to an empty table, a familiar figure caught my attention at the corner. Jinae was drinking champagne alone as she stared at the view outside the glass window. "You know what? I'm actually with that lady over there. Please serve me whatever she's having," I said before making my way to her table.

She finally noticed me and looked at me with a confused expression, "Heeseung?"

"It's been a while, huh?"

She watched as I sat down across from her, not asking any questions. "Since I came unannounced, I'll pay for your meal."

"You don't have to do that, Heeseung."

"I insist," I smirked and thanked a waitress that came to serve my food. "You came here alone?" Jinae asked. I nodded and began feeding myself, "You look unhappy. Did something happen?"

"I was just wondering when would I ever find true love. Sad, isn't it?" She scoffed and turned her attention back to the view.

"What a coincidence! I would always come here to think about that."

"Really? You don't have a girlfriend? That's impossible. You're attractive, successful and smart. How can you be single?"

"I used to love someone. She married someone else."

She nodded, "Oh, I see. The person I loved also loves someone else."

"We just don't have any luck."

After we both finished eating, we went to the elevator to leave. "Have you ever wondered why we're both single? What if the universe is telling us that we belong to each other?" She suddenly asked an unexpected question.

I was amused and folded my arms, "What if it's true? How can we prove it?"

She grinned and thought for a while, "How about we get into different elevators and pressed any floors? If we meet on the same floor, then we are meant to be together."


I immediately pressed the buttons of another elevator and watched as the door opened. We both got in and I pressed the fifteenth floor. My heart was beating so fast, wondering if she pressed the same floor as well. Suddenly, the door opened on the twentieth floor and hotel guests kept coming in.

I smiled at them and prayed to God to let the door close quickly.


I pressed the fifteenth floor and took a deep breath, feeling nervousness and excitement rising inside me. As soon as the door opened, I got out and looked around. He was nowhere to be found. My smile faded as I knew we weren't meant to be together.

I pressed the arrow facing down button and waited for the doors to open when suddenly the door to the stairs opened, revealing a panting Heeseung. He tried to catch his breath first before explaining.

"People kept coming into my elevator," he said tiredly, "So I took the stairs."

"You chose the fifteenth floor too?"

He smiled softly and nodded, "Yeah."

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