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"Wasn't that Todoroki?" Kirishima asked. Only Todoroki has a quirk that could do that. Bakugo used his explosions to get rid of the ice and trapped him inside of the bathroom.

"I don't fucking know." He responded going into the stalls to do his business. "Don't you think it's weird?" Kirishima asks going into another stall. Ever since they met a few days ago, Kirishima has declared them best friends for life while Bakugo just lets him follow him around. "Of course it's weird shit head. A girl's in the mens restroom!"

"No not that! Her voice is deep like a man, her calves are very bulky, not to mention her chest is fla—" Kirishima was cut off by a glare, it's true, Todoroki doesn't have the high falsetto voice most women have, and he doesn't bother to use it. Todoroki barely passed off as a girl, he never took off his jacket no matter how hot it was; Underneath his jacket, his white blouse showed how absolutely ripped this man is.

Todoroki ran like his life depended on it. He looked like a pervert snooping around in the mens bathroom, and he didn't even get to use it. He's undercover in UA as a girl, how's he gonna explain to his classmates once he comes back as a man?

'Oh there wasn't enough men uniforms so I tricked all of you guys into thinking I'm a girl so I wouldn't be made fun of.'


'I'm Todoroki's twin brother.'

Yeah the 2nd option seems like it'll do the trick.

Class ended for the day and it was time to get in the dorms. The dorms were a last minute decision in response to the rise of villain attacks and protect the students from being hurt.

The school was aware Todoroki was a man and put his dorm on the men's side. Unfortunately, because it's a last minute decision, some rooms were not ready to be used yet. Instead of just letting do their regular routine for just a bit longer, the school made them share a dorm.

"Todoroki can room with me!" Uraraka said with her hands up smiling. Todoroki froze, he could not room with a girl, the school would not allow that and he would get reported for harassment.

Aizawa puts down the roster and silenced the class. "Todoroki, room with Bakugo. Momo, room with Uraraka." The class was shocked. A girl and a boy is rooming together? Mineta was so jealous he was going to explode, but Bakugo was one step ahead.

"What?! You're going to make me room with candy cane?!?" Bakugo didn't want to share his room at all, not with some pervert who peeked in the men's bathroom.

"It'll be inappropriate if Todoroki roomed with the girls." Aizawa explained, though no one knew what he meant by that. "Get some rest everyone, we have work to do tomorrow."

Todoroki reluctantly went inside Bakugo's dorm; he was surprised the blonde didn't lock him out, Todoroki was prepared to sleep on the floor.

The room was spotless, the complete opposite of what he was expecting.

"Go take a shower, I don't want your sweaty body Roaming around my room!" Bakugo commands before shutting the bedroom door shut. Todoroki takes out his clothes from the luggage, his sister must've swapped his regular clothes as the pajamas were pastel and frilly with cute dog patterns on it.

He takes off the pigtails, but he can still feel his hair being stretched. He definitely wasn't going to style his hair again. Following his natural habits, he went outside the bathroom with a towel on his waist and one around his neck (just enough to cover his nipples)

"Here's your sleeping ba-" Bakugo jumped seeing Todoroki half naked, barely clothed inside of his dorm. He threw the sleeping bag on the floor and quickly turns around, cursing loudly.

"What the fuck! Don't you have any shame??? Going around my room almost naked??!" Fuck, Bakugo's ears were flaming red. Todoroki quickly covers himself, he completely forgot Bakugo thinks he's a girl right now. If anyone sees this situation, it'll be embarrassing and awkward for sure.

"Oh...sorry." Todoroki clears his thought. This week is going to be a long week for sure.

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