Extra 1

599 13 4

Cold Season and Stain:

Todoroki woke up with a headache but brushed it off, thinking it would go away later. It was a little scratch in his throat, and his nose was a bit stuffy, but Todoroki could handle it.

"Halfie wear some more clothes, or you'll end up sick," Bakugo said. After they started dating, Todoroki moved to Bakugo's dorm so they could be together longer—not that they were doing anything weird. "It's not even that cold..." Todoroki replied, sniffing his nose. He was wearing the hero uniform that was barely keeping the heat in.

They were moving to Hosu city to receive their hero training course from pro heroes. Todoroki's hero costume was the same throughout all four seasons. The same blue piece. Bakugo's uniform was ultimately the same, except his chest was now covered with a thin thermal shirt.

"That's what everyone says. That's why every one of you extras has been sniffing and coughing all day." Bakugo lifts Todoroki's bangs and puts the back of his hand on his forehead. "Shit...It's a bit warm." Bakugo sighs and starts heating up some boiling water, probably to make some kind of tea or vitamin water for him.

"How do you even get a cold? Cant heat yourself up?" Todoroki shook his head, "It's 70° out Bakugo. It's more warm than cold. Maybe I caught it from someone." Whenever Todoroki has a fever, he just uses his quirk to cook himself off, and if he feels cold, he just heats himself up. It never failed on him. Therefore someone must've given it to him.

"So you're saying you were being close with other people." Bakugo was faced the other side, but the reflection showed that his brows were knitted together. Bakugo's a pretty jealous type, but he would never say anything about it.

"No!...not really."

Bakugo finished stirring the tea and pressed it on Todoroki's lips. "Drink."

"Should we head out now?" Todoroki asks. It was 7:00 AM, and the pair had to get to Hosu city by 8:30 AM. Luckily the train ride only takes about an hour, so they could roam around the city for a while before they have to separate.

"Bakugo! This looks like you." The two were at a mall, looking around to pass the time. Todoroki pointed at a yellow derpy dinosaur with an angry look on its face.

"And this one looks like you," Bakugo reveals a poker-faced white cat plush. "Can we buy these?" Todoroki wanted to keep the dinosaur to remember Bakugo by for the three days they'll be separated from each other. "Sure, I'll go pay for it." They now had around 10 minutes to get to their agencies, so they said their goodbyes and parted ways.

Todoroki sighs as he makes his way to his father's company. It was the last place he wanted to go to. "Shoto." Endeavor was looking at the yellow dinosaur in his hands. It looked angrily at him, pissing Endeavor off. "Don't bring toys to the agency son." Endeavor signaled his assistant to confiscate the dinosaur plush; however, Todoroki pulled away. "I'm keeping this. Let's get started." Todoroki spoke coldly, not wanting to engage in small talk with his father any further.

On Bakugo's end, he was arguing with Best Jeanist. They went back and forth about mannerisms to which Bakugo heavily opposed to. He didn't care what people thought of him(except Todoroki) and would treat everyone the same(except Todoroki). But Bakugo knew his options were limited; not many pro heroes picked him because of his explosive personality. Bakugo decided to follow Best Jeanist for now, not arguing any further.

Todoroki was supposed to go home with his father, but he went to roam around the city again without telling anyone. The weather at night was even colder now that winter was approaching. If only Bakugo were here so they could share some body warmth. It was around 8 PM now, which meant Bakugo had probably just finished his training. "I should call him," Todoroki mumbled to himself.

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