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It was another week of outdoor training, and they were getting ready for the sports festival.

"Halfie, come stretch with me," Bakugo said, doing some simple stretches. The students were left alone to practice as they liked. Todoroki thought that since Bakugo liked him, he would get a cuter nickname. Even Sho sounds cuter. "Put your back on mine." Todoroki did exactly as Bakugo said. The blonde locks his arm onto Todoroki's and bends forward. Todoroki lets out a surprised gasp, not expecting to be stretched so far at once. He didn't move at all yet, meaning his movements were slow, and his muscles were stiff. Embarrassed by the noise he made, Todoroki apologized.

They moved on to the next pose, where Todoroki sat with his legs in front of him. Bakugo's hand was on his back, pushing him down, stretching his hamstrings. Bakugo's rough hands on his back made him blush furiously, but it was also pretty comforting.

After doing some more stretches, the pair switched to sparring. "We should get more familiar with close-ranged combat... We both use long-range attacks, and who knows what the extras quirks are." They were on training grounds with a large platform in the center acting as the stage. "Should we do it without quirks?" Todoroki suggests. Bakugo nods, and the two didn't waste time pouncing on each other. Todoroki realizes his punches didn't have an effect and were easily dodged, while Bakugo's hits were more brutal. Todoroki extends the distance between them to avoid the blonde's punches. Bakugo is fast, but Todoroki is faster. It was advantageous for him since Bakugo uses brute force, and Todoroki could dodge it.

"I'm here Halfie." A sudden hit landed on his back, causing him to fall down, but before he could entirely fall, Bakugo caught him. By reflex, Todoroki shot his quirk at Bakugo, sending him flying to the wall, and trapping him with the ice. "Well, that ain't so fair, Candycane," Bakugo smirks and uses his explosives to break the ice and close the distance between them.

"I'm sorry...It just...came out? By reflex." He was more worried about Bakugo's back since they both weren't expecting Todoroki's quirk to go off. "Let me see your back," Todoroki said, turning Bakugo around. His face scrunched at the sight; it was bruised and bleeding. "I'm so sorry! Let's get you to the nurse..." Todoroki panics. He didn't expect Bakugo to get hurt that badly. "It's whatever. There's a first aid kit in my room. Help me patch up." Todoroki worriedly
follows while Bakugo leads the way to the dorm.

"Here." Bakugo tosses the first aid kit to Todoroki. "Let me know if it hurts." Bakugo's back was full of healed battle scars laced with some burn scars, probably from his quirk. Bakugo winces as the alcohol on the cotton pad touches the open wound. Bakugo's back was broad and full of muscles; the scars made his back even more beauti— Todoroki shakes his head to get rid of the thoughts. "Okay, I'm done." Todoroki said, tearing his eyes away from the blonde. What's even more was how they're both sitting on Bakugo's bed right now; perhaps the angry Pomeranian likes to cuddle? Todoroki shook his head harshly again, trying not to let his intrusive thoughts win.

Maybe, just maybe, Bakugo wouldn't mind a headpat. He reaches his hand towards the blonde locks when Bakugo suddenly turns around, "What are you doing?" Todoroki quickly withdrew his hand, "Nothing... Just thought your hair looked...soft?" Bakugo sighs and puts Todoroki's hand on his hair. "There. Happy?" Todoroki was surprised by how willing Bakugo was. Another blush crept up to Todoroki's face as he messed with Bakugo's hair. Bakugo pretends not to the like head pats but secretly loves it. "You're the first person who I've let do thi— What the fuck Halfie? Are you okay?" Shit, Todoroki's face must be really fucking red right now. "Huh? Don't look—" Todoroki, in defense, hugs Bakugo on his chest, preventing the blonde from seeing his red face. However, his heartbeats probably gave it away. Bakugo struggles and tries to pry off Todoroki's arms, but he is stuck to him. "Todoroki get—"

"Did you just..." Todoroki pulls Bakugo away from his chest. "NO!" Bakugo realized he called Todoroki by his actual name and not a rude nickname. "Can you say Shoto? Just once...please?"

"Keep dreamin' Halfie." Bakugo's face was still red from Todoroki hugging him.

Finally, the two finally realized the position they were in; Todoroki was on Bakugo's lap, supporting himself with the blonde's shoulder. Todoroki darts off, pretending that nothing has happened. "Nice weather today," Todoroki said solemnly. "...We haven't gone outside today."

A/N: next chapter final chapter yayyyyyyy

Mha manga leaks make me sad:c

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