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After a week of training with Bakugo, Todoroki's short ranged skills increased drastically, as well as his other skills. Unlike when he was training with his old man, he enjoyed training with the blonde. They had their moments to goof around and work at the same time.

"Oi Halfie," Bakugo called out. They just finished their final training as tomorrow was the sports festival. It became a regular routine for Todoroki to hang around Bakugo's dorm since the blonde always got "hurt," which meant Todoroki always had to patch it up. "You called?"

"Can you do me a favor?" Bakugo didn't seem like the type who would ask for favors, and it would always be commands and demands that could not be denied. "What is it?" Todoroki was curious about what Bakugo would ask. "Never mind, I'll ask you later."

The crowd cheers as the students gather at the stadium. The Sports Festival finally begins. Todoroki looked around nervously; he knew he was being watched, most likely by the hero Scouters. Unfortunately, Todoroki didn't care for them. He was going to work under his old man's agency. Since he was the #2 hero's son, they all had high expectations of him. Todoroki looked for the #2 hero in the rows.  It wasn't hard to spot him, Endeavor stood out everywhere. Bakugo was busy glaring at every single living person at the stadium.

"Everyone please settle down. The first competition is about to start! How exciting~ Thank you all for gathering today at the UA sports festival! Can we have a round of applause for our contestants?!?!~☆" Present Mic sounded way too hyper for the early morning. Everyone cheered as the first competition started.

Todoroki took the lead, sliding down the slope with his ice. He was soon caught on by the others who used their quirk. Bakugo was not far behind him. He should've realized that students from UA weren't the nicest, and they were with other schools too. The other competitors tried messing him up with their quirks, and one succeeded, making him slip on the ice. After all, there were no rules other than getting to the finish line. Bakugo, who had his eyes on Todoroki the whole time, sprang to action, carrying Todoroki with one hand and using the other for his quirk. Bakugo was slowed down excessively, but he still carried Todoroki.

"Bakugo! It's okay. My legs are just sprained. It'll be better soon. It would be best if you let me go. You're slowing down. I don't want to burden you.." Todoroki said. Bakugo is a really competitive person, so carrying him and being slower would hurt his placement. "Shut up, Halfie, and let me do my thing. I ain't letting you walk around with a sprained ankle!" Suddenly, robots showed up. They attacked everyone who tried to proceed forward. "Bakugo," Todoroki muttered. The blonde got the hint, he sprinted right in front of the enemies, and within milliseconds, they were all frozen and immobile. "Later fuckers." Bakugo said, sliding across the ice path Todoroki made, with him still in his arms. They made it through obstacles quickly with their quirks combined. Recovery Girl could repair Todoroki's ankle.

"I wonder where's Midoriya?" Todoroki accidentally thought out loud. He was afraid he had blocked his friend's path. "Oi...don't think about another man while you're in my arms." Todoroki blushed and shook his head. Midoriya is his good friend, of course he would be worried.

They both reached the end first, followed by Midoriya.

His flames. He used it. He was affected by Midoriya's words. He forgot about his father's quirk.  He looked horrifyingly towards Endeavor to see him smirking with pride. Todoroki couldn't control his anger for a second and sent Midoriya flying, gaining him a win. Although he was the one who won, he walked off the arena dejectedly.

After some more battles, the tie-breaker finale was announced.

"Now our tie-breaker for 1st place..... SHOTO TODOROKI VS KATSUKI BAKUGO!" Present Mic knew this would be an exciting match, and they were both helping each other out a while ago.

Todo-San! //Bakutodo (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora