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Today was the day Todoroki was praying to see. In his hands were a box consisting of 2 male uniforms. He sighs in relief and cleans his desk up from all the "girly makeup" his sister gave him. He was a step away from burning the female uniform.

How would his classmates react to the new him? After all, he went into a girl's night. It would be no surprise if they call him a pervert.

What would Bakugo think of him? He probably thought a girl liked him and he replicated the feelings. The thought of Bakugo's disgusted face consumed him.

Maybe, today wasn't the day he looked forward to.

Todoroki went in class, but no one seemed to notice his change. Probably because everyone was indulged in their conversations and too busy to pay attention to him.

"I never noticed before but don't you think Todoroki looks really handsome?" Mina points out. "I don't mean it in a bad way! You're really pretty of course, but  you look really handsome too!"

Todoroki decided to come true to his classmates, "Actually...I'm a man."

The whole class erupted.

"Now that you said it... You do have a lot of masculine features! You looked so pretty as a girl, what a shame..." Uraraka pouted.

Todoroki was nervous about what Bakugo thought of him. Is he disgusted? Maybe even disappointed? Whatever it is, he was ready to face the consequences. He turns to back to see the blonde already looking back at him. Todoroki's heart rate increases and felt like exploding, but he keeps his mouth shut and turns away. Bakugo kept his monotone face on and didn't look bothered at all. He couldn't tell if it was a good or bad sign; although they didn't share too much sweet moments, the developing crush he has on Bakugo was growing ever so slightly, fuck that, it escalated once he realized how nice Bakugo actually was beneath his rudeness.

Todoroki could still feel Bakugo's sharp gaze on him. It wouldn't hurt to look back at him again right? Maybe he would show something this time. Slowly turning his head, he met the scarlet red eyes. He couldn't hear anyone else in the class, enticed by Bakugo's beauty, was he always this pretty? Neither of them breaks the eye contact, Bakugo's expression was still neutral.

"Need somethin' Half n Half?" The blonde asks breaking the tension between them. Todoroki's breath hitched, Bakugo did promise him he can go inside his room sometimes, "Can I go to your dorm today?"

Todoroki sat still on Bakugo's couch in silence. Both of them waited in silent for the other to speak.

"You don't have anything to ask me?" He was disappointed Bakugo didn't say anything. "What'd I have to ask?" Todoroki huffs in frustration, "That I wore a female uniform." He had gotten used to the feeling of wearing the skirt and usually fiddled the hem when he was nervous. Now he just clutches his palm. "What's that gotta do with me?" Bakugo's response made him upset, why was the blonde not questioning him?

"...Well..." Todoroki has always been a pretty straight forward man. "I thought you liked me?"

"Look Halfie, I don't care wether you have a uterus or penis, I like you for you. And I'll keep chasing until you fall for me too." Bakugo's face went a bit red after that and faced away. Todoroki's heart was about to jump out of his chest.

A/N i forgot they only known eachoyjer for like 5ish days

Todo-San! //Bakutodo (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now