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Your friend calmed you down,
"You don't have to do anything (f/n), besides, Tamaki senpai already helped me with it. There isn't really too much you can do,"

You sighed, knowing she had a point.

"Goddamnit, why are you always so reasonable!"

"One of us has to be,"

"You idiot!"

A girl ran out of the room crying. You decided not to think much about it, thinking that it wasn't really any of your business. You walked in to find your friend soaked, and being handed a spare uniform.

"Oh hey (f/n), I'm gonna go change,"

"Okay, see you soon,"

She walked off to change, and you were filled in by the rest of the hosts on what happened. You walked over to Tamaki, and shook his hands,
"I know you may not like me that much, but I'm glad you stood up for Haruhi!"

It was strange for him, up until this point, he didn't really think much of you, but now, he felt something... change.

"I'm... going to get Haruhi some towels,"


You and the rest of the hosts walked to where all the commotion was coming from, and you were able to witness Tamaki having a mental breakdown.

"Well this is certainly and interesting development,"


You watched from the side as Tamaki continued to try and put everything together.

"I have to say though, you were pretty cool there senpai!"

The tall blondes face turned into a tomato, which you couldn't help but laugh a little at. You couldn't help but judge the fashion tastes of the school though,
'The girls uniform is certainly... something,'

You put a hand on Haruhi's shoulder,
"Cmon Haruhi, let's head home, there's a new snack at the store I want to try! I've already got your stuff,"

"Sounds good to me, by everyone,"

They kept watching as the two of you walked out of the room, and watched from the window as you walked out the school.

"I can't believe that Tamaki guy got to tell her off and I didn't!"

She chuckled after taking a bite of the snack you bought for you both.

"You should've been there,"

"I WISH! I tried going the normal route, but for some reason there was a wall in the middle of the hallway and I had to take a detour!"


You finished your snack, almost choking on it due to eating to too fast,
"Next time someone's mean to you, let me know! I'll send them into the stratosphere!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you will,"


I'm gonna be adding things that didn't happen in the anime/manga because I LIKE ADDING FILLER

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