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2k reads thank you all I made this fic was because there aren't that many male reader x ohshc fics I am glad there is an audience for this besides just me


"Wow Haruhi, you're so cute in your Kimono, almost like a girl!"
Two girls remarked at the sight of your friend.

"What a crazy thought,"
You whispered sarcastically, a smile cracking on Haruhi's face.

"And you're so handsome too, (y/n)! Like a genuine prince!"

The two girls hooked their arms in yours, standing you up and dragging you off before you could hear what Kyoya was about to tell Haruhi.

Your alone time with the girls didn't last too long though, as they once again dragged you along when they saw Haruhi interacting with the twins.

"I didn't know you liked sweets Haruhi!"
One of the girls asked.

"Well to be honest, I don't really. But y'know, I think it'd be a nice memorial offering for my mother,"

The girls swooned with pity, moved to tears by Haruhi's display of affection for her deceased mother.

The sweet moment was quickly ruined by the King, who tried his best to earn the affections of your first year friend to no avail.

"Keep going the way you're going, and you're gonna end up with real tears,"
You threatened, stepping between him and Haruhi.

Tamaki shifted Kyoya to act as his human shield,
"How dare you threaten your king! Kyoya, do something!"

Instead of punishing or reprimanding you like Tamaki would've preferred, Kyoya simply handed you a drink, your cross face quickly lightening up as you got a hold of the can/bottle/box.
"Do try not to threaten him out in the open. Behind closed doors though? Do as you'd like."

You smiled brightly at the dark haired upperclassman, a smile which came off more sinister in Tamaki's point of view.
"You got it, senpai!"

"Hey! That's not what I wanted you to-"
Tamaki cut his own sentence off as he noticed what Haruhi was staring at.

A girl with long light brown hair peeked at all of you from the door frame, hiding slightly when she became aware that you'd all seen her.

"Looks like the host club has a new guest. Ah!"
The twins spoke in unison, going over to the door to try to woo the girl.

They didn't end up getting far as Tamaki stole the spotlight from right under them, pulling out all the stops to get the girl to woo the girl.

Shockingly, he had no effect on her, in fact, she was even repulsed by him! She pushed him away, throwing insult after insult, criticism after criticism at him, it was almost like she was shooting him with arrows! What a great sight to see, the perfect way to get the day going!

"Oooh I like this one, got a nice head on her shoulders,"
You remarked, fully on board with any and all Tamaki slander.

Your hopes were dashed when it turned out she wasn't completely resistant to the host-effect, grabbing onto Kyoya and rambling about how he was the love of her life.

Another Host (M!reader x Ouran Highschool Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now