Chapter 17

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Axel's POV

Her dark hair swayed in the wind as she sat on the grass, somehow it seemed greener, more luscious where she was sat, as though her very presence was affecting it.

As much as I loved being here, with her. I knew that soon, I would have to go back.

As an alpha, my worry for my pack was increasing by the day, and as much as I wanted to go down to check on them, I knew that there was no way that I could leave her. Not now, not when she had finally accepted me and we were getting somewhere. I had lost her once and I wouldn't do that again.

Word had spread that both myself and my beta were gone from my pack. I had been gone for weeks and who knew when I would be back, and my beta was dead. Not that he deserved to be alive considering the wretched thoughts he had concerning Skylar's death.

It was an internal debate I was having, to go back, or not go back.

I knew what the right thing to do was, if I left for just a few days I would have time to sort out pack business and put someone else in charge until a more permanent solution could be found, not that I had one in mind.

I was unsure of how this was going to end up, I had grown fond of this pack, and though they weren't yet my own pack, I had a feeling that somehow they would be.

My pack needed me, and I knew that Skylar could take care of herself. But that didn't mean I could tear myself away from her.

I almost wished that there was still a metre limit between us, at least then I'd have an excuse for my slacking off.

Who knew how my pack was doing, I certainly didn't. How many rogues must be plotting to attack right this second?

Even knowing that, I couldn't justify a reason to go back. Not now.

And look at her, so incredibly dedicated to her pack. So loyal I would call her a golden retriever if I thought she wouldn't chop my head off for it.

In that moment she leaped up off the ground, her position steady but her eyes slightly rolled back, she wasn't entirely there, right now.

I had learnt to recognise when she used her powers, or when she was about to.

Right now, she was listening to a pack link, not hers. Which meant another pack must be close.

I stood up, watching her expression as she clearly didn't like what she was hearing.

Her eyes flickered back to normal before she turned to face me, "Dawn shadow pack, east of the border." She told me.

I smiled, it was nice that she included me now, telling me things in the same way she tells her beta.

During their attack, I knew that I shouldn't be there. If they attacked and an alpha from another pack showed up there would be trouble, accusations of kidnapping and other things would arise.

I left to go to the pack house, and though I wished I could fight with her, to protect her, I knew that she would be okay.

I knew that they were out there, fighting. I could hear soft howls as they fought, occasionally hearing Skylar's, as though I was attuned to her particular tone.

It seemed endless, the fighting.

I spent my time in Skylar's room, breathing in her scent and convincing myself that going out there would be an awful idea.

The pungent smell of blood wafted through the open window, a scent that I didn't recognise. Not hers.

Eventually the fighting let up, I began to hear the sounds of the pack house filling with people. I sat patiently, watching the door as I waited for her return.

To Love a Demonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें