Chapter 3

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The large wolf stared me down like I was his prey.

The ripped flesh that hung down from his strong jaw taunted me, it made me know that the end was near.

The vicious growls emitting from it's mouth was enough to tell me that this was a situation I did not want to be in.

All I was was a weak human, I couldn't shift. I was powerless.

His massive jaws began to widen, about to gulp me down like I was a piece of meat.

He didn't. Because my pack got in the way.

My parents, my alpha, Axel, my friends, everyone. Everyone was here to protect me.

And they all died.

The vicious rogue ripped through them, killing them all instantly.

There was no one left to hear my screams.

The screams that ran through the thick tension that carried the air around us as the wolf stalked over to me, eyeing me up.

It was time to die.

My last thought was that I would see my loved ones up in heaven. It was my last thought before the beast lunged at me, snapping my weak human neck.


I woke shock still, panting heavily at the dream that I had every night.

Not a day went by where my dream wouldn't haunt my sleep.

It was always there, lingering in the back of my mind.

I knew what it meant. On the inside I would always be just a weak human. But I didn't want that. I refused to be the girl I used to be.

On the outside I was terrifying, my story was told to young children to keep them from going out into the woods alone.

I was feared by many.

Known as a demon.

And who could love a demon?

Packs feared me most of all, I was their biggest threat.

They either wanted to be my alley, who wouldn't want the protection of the strongest pack known to wolf?

If I was still in my old pack I knew that they sure as heck would.

Other packs stayed away. Didn't want anything to do with us.

Who would want to be even acquainted with a demon?

Not me, not that I had a choice in the matter.

It was rare that we would see other packs.

When we attacked we did it quickly, we didn't want to stay behind to see the aftermath of our attack.

We left to go back to our land.

We were efficient. But most of all vicious. We were the most vicious pack.

Occasionally we would be attacked by a pack, wanting to take revenge for an allied pack that we had destroyed.

I had never lost a battle in my life and I wasn't about to start.

It started with the steady thud of wolves paws, slinking through the treeline, waiting to attack.

I listened carefully.

"Stay in the treeline until one of them shows their devil face!" An alpha hissed through a mind link.

Moonshine pack. I would recognise the alpha's voice anywhere.

To Love a DemonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ