Chapter 29

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Almost immediately after, the wolves of bloodmoon grew angry about the death of both their alpha and luna, and the three packs began to fight again.

But... did I even want to fight anymore?

This was my fault. My fault my pack died. My parents... my friends. 

Somehow amongst the battles I was able to grab Axel's arm and tow us away from the fighting. I felt bad leaving my pack alone here, but it was necessary. 

"Skylar? Where are we going?" Axel asked cautiously. 

I stopped walking and spun to look at him, he gasped when he saw me, I had tears streaming down my face, wetting my cheeks. 

"Axel I-" I took in a deep breath, "It's my fault... it's all my fault!" 

He grabbed my hands again, "No Skylar. No. It isn't your fault. You can't help the fact you were born a white wolf and more than I can help not being born that way." 

I didn't say anything, just turned around and began to tow him behind me again. 

I only stopped when we reached a secluded cave, "Skylar? What are we doing?" 

I sighed and leaned down, moving my hands a little and producing some silver chains, bound to the rock. 

"Axel you have to chain me up and go back to the packs." I told him in a quiet voice.

"Are you kidding me? I am not doing that! Get your ass out of this cave right now!" He demanded, trying to pull me out.

I stood my ground, "Axel please. I can't do this anymore! Don't you see! I am fulfilling the prophecy! I've been killing wolves ever since I got my powers, I don't want to wipe out the wolves!"  

"Skylar this isn't the solution." He whispered. 

"You know that it is." i replied. 

"You can't make me do this to you, I won't do it." He replied in a confident voice. 

I shook my head, and held both of his hands, staring right into his eyes. Chain me up. I told him with my mind. 

His eyes took on a slightly glassy quality, and his movements were stiff. He was resisting the forced actions.

"I'm sorry Axel... it  has to happen." I told him as he began to shakily bind me to the cave's floor. The silver burnt me and caused me to hiss when it touched my skin, and I saw Axel's eyes get all shiny as though he was holding back tears. 

When he was done the chains dropped to the floor with a dull thud. "Go Axel." I whispered, "It's your battle too."

He reluctantly left, battling with his desire to kill those that killed his family, and his desire to stay with me. 

I may have used a little mental persuasion too. 

The silver was having its effect on me, the contact it made with my skin made it burn and hurt, and I could already feel it weakening my powers.

Eventually I had to slump against the cave wall, I was too tired to keep myself stood upright. 

Laying there, the only thing on my mind was the bloodmoon pack. 

Their prophecy... the way things turned out.

What if I really was the enemy? They were never the enemy... all they are is a pack trying to protect the lives of wolves everywhere.

Was it me that had wronged them? Had I wronged the world?

They weren't trying to hurt anyone... they were trying to save everyone.

And that meant... I had to escape. 

I stood up, battling the weakness and the tired I was feeling. 

It was me that deserved to die... it would end it all. It had to end now. 

But I had chained myself with silver. A substance that weakened me and made my powers less strong.

But silver... it should only interfere with my wolf. My powers stemmed from my wolf, yes, but it was such a mental thing... I had grown with it... it was all me. 

What if it wasn't the silver that kept me from using my powers? What if it was me? My very own mental boundaries... protecting me from a power I wasn't yet strong enough to possess.

With the realisation, I began to hold out my hands infront of me, attempting to break the chains. It didn't work.

I dropped my hands, and immediately the chain broke, clunking against the floor and echoing through the cave.

I looked down at my palms... were my hands restricting me?

I tested it out, flexing my mental powers without the use of my hands, immediately the cave around me practically exploded, leaving me standing in the open air. Chunks of debris littered the forest around me.

My powers felt stronger than ever. 

Using them was almost a relief, like taking a deep breath after swimming underwater.

Like a shot, I made myself run back to the battlefield, fast as a bullet. 

What a shame that just as I had found new strength in my powers, I would die. 

But it was my choice. I would die happily, knowing it was for the good of the world. 

I walked into the battlefield, a mental shield flowing around me like a cape, a physical forcefield that pushed all the wolves aside, except for the beta of the bloodmoon pack. I had never bothered to learn his name, he didn't deserve it. 

I walked right up to him, where he waited for me. 

I was silent and I gently bowed my head. "Kill me." I whispered. But everyone heard it.

"Skylar! No!" A voice shouted, extreme terror and panic in his voice. 

I winced, I didn't want to leave him behind. I held him back, my arms tucked safely under each other. "Skylar!" He yelled.

The strange new feelings that came with holding him back surprised me, I could feel the mate bond flowing through me, giving me strength, giving me confidence. 

It was a comfort, actually. 

He gave me courage. 

I sunk to my knees on the ground, eyes closed, and curled up. I was completely vulnerable. I didn't need to worry about keeping Axel held back, I trusted my mind.

I dropped my final barrier, I had unconsciously been preventing the beta from getting near me, but now all of my resistances fell. 

I had never been so vulnerable in my entire life.

But I had also never been ready to die until this moment. 

I held my breath, the ringing sound in my ears picking up before everything went silent. 

And then everything went black. 


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