Chapter 30

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I dulled my sentences, not wanting to feel the pain of death, to feel the pain that Axel felt as he watched me die. I didn't want to feel the disappointment from my pack that didn't understand my motives.

But when I felt nothing I begun to panic.

What had I done? By dulling my senses had I accidentally made my death an eternal nothingness?

I tried to calm my thoughts, and by doing so, opened up my senses again. 

The sound of battle.

I slowly rose to my feet looking around me, both mine and Ryans pack surrounded me, fighting off the bloodmoon pack. 

They were fighting for me?

"Skylar." A voice said next to me, an airy quality to it. 

I turned to my left, to see a man and a woman next to me.

I gasped. "Mum? Dad?" 

I stared at them in shock, before throwing myself onto them only to reach empty air. 

They gave me sympathetic looks, "We're sorry Skylar. So sorry about all of this. We knew your wolf would be special. No normal wolf forms a bond with an alpha like that." My mother smiled gently.

I was still in shock at seeing them. 

"We had one last chance to talk to you darling, we waited for this moment. You'd be surprised how much destiny runs in the world." She told me.

I was breathing heavily. Everything was so overwhelming. First the packs trusting my judgement and continuing to fight for me... some of the wolves here didn't know me, all they knew was that I was a vicious killer. And now... my parents?

"We've always been with you Skylar, even if we named you Avery... maybe we were wrong there." My dad smiled at me. 

"We knew that in the end you'd make the right choice." My mum said. 

"To die?" I asked in a quiet voice. 

A dark look crossed my fathers face. "No. The thing you must remember Skylar is that destinies can change. There's someone out there looking out for you. Skylar, ultimately this pack... this still murdered our pack. That is something unforgivable." 

"Change your destiny Skylar, make things right." My mother told me, she reached a hand out towards me, resting it on my shoulder, I felt nothing, just a tear rolling down my face. "Do it for your family." She whispered as she began to fade. 

As she said that, she reached down and touched my stomach gently. "Goodbye Skylar, I hope not to see you for quite some time." 

I gasped looking down at my stomach... was I...? 

I looked up to ask, but they were gone, leaving a hollow feeling in my chest. 

The pain of seeing them again brought up a new vengeance for this pack. This pack that killed innocents. 

"Leave them." I hissed, and my own packs retreated to behind me, causing a divide. The bloodmoon pack huddled close together in front of me. 

"You killed innocents. You killed the people I loved. You killed a part of me." With that, I released the hold on Axel and he rushed over to me in wolf form and curled around my legs to protect me, growling at the pack. 

It made me smile. 

With that, I raised my arms in the air above me, staring directly at the pack in front of me. 

A small ball of pure light began to form between my hands til it was about 2 feet across in diameter. As I did so, the light was almost sucked out of the sky, the sky became dark as though it was night. 

I threw it up into the sky. 

With a massive boom, the energy dissipated from the sky came a black mist that settled throughout the bloodmoon pack. They began to panic and try to run, but they became weary,  dropping to their knees because they had so little energy. 

I slowly walked towards them. "No one messes with my pack and gets away with it." I hissed. 

And with that, I spread my palms out in front of me, harnessing the power from the mind and drawing in the black mist. 

They collapsed relieved, but they didn't get a moment to catch a breather. 

From my hands shot out several dark bursts that looked somewhat similar to black lightning. One for each and every pack member. 

They pierced their chests, their heads, anything they could. 

Their injuries didn't bleed, they turned black as though they had been cursed. 

I could feel their energy seeping into me, I closed my eyes, allowing it to absorb into my skin. 

When I opened them, there was nothing left of the bloodmoon pack. 

I turned back around, feeling a new glow on my skin.

Axel shifted back into human form and immediately took my hand in his. 

I smiled at him. It was finally over. 

He grinned back at me. 

"Wanna hear something great?" I asked him, grinning. 

He laughed, "Go on then." 

I took his hand that was still in mine, and placed it on my stomach. It told him all he needed to know.

His eyes widened as he looked at me and I smiled up at him. 

He grinned and pulled me in close to him, causing me to rest my head on his chest. 

Maybe it wasn't so difficult for someone to love a demon. 

I smiled to myself at that, I guess everything was going to work out for us. For now, anyway. 

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