Chapter 28

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We were fighting tooth and nail. Everywhere I looked, wolves were on wolves, ripping each other to shreds, and I couldn't tell which side was winning.

But I had faith in my pack. They would lead me to victory, this I knew. 

Axel stood behind me as we began to advance on both the luna of the pack, and the beta. The luna was clearly heartbroken, her hair seemed to fall limper than it had just a moment ago, her stance making it seem as though she no longer cared about dying, but the beta was protecting her. I didn't feel sorry for her in the slightest. 

They both looked up as we approached, not bothering to run. They knew we would have to fight. 

Staring at the luna, I slowly lifted my hand, about to kill her, her panicked stance indicated to me that she realised she didn't want to die. 

"No wait! Please!" She begged, falling to her knees, "You're pack died because of you, you know!" She blurted out.

I stopped mid-advance, my eyes regarding her with uncertainty. She saw it and scrambled back up, "Only your fault. We weren't planning to attack!"

"What?" I hissed, taking a threatening step forward. 

She shrieked and fell backwards but the beta caught her, "We were just passing through!" She insisted, "We saw you. We saw you're wolf. White as snow." 

I glared at her, "that is no reason to destroy an entire pack!" I growled.

"The prophecy! The prophecy!" She screamed, tears beginning to fall down her face. 

"What prophecy?" I asked, venom in my tone. 

She didn't reply straight away, as I stared at her I began to build up a feeling of intense pain in her body, it was just an illusion, but it was effective.

She began screaming as she fell down. "No stop!  I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

"Our pack it's... we've always had a prophecy, bestowed on us by the moon goddess." She struggled back up to her feet, "White wolves used to exist in the hundreds, but they were too powerful, too advanced." She looked at me, seemingly with a new kind of fear.

"The regular wolves wiped them out, cut off their bloodlines, did all they could to stop it." She breathed heavily, "The strange powers..." She gulped. "they had to go."

"That doesn't mean you had to kill my pack." I spat at her.

"There's more!" She gasped, "The prophecy stated that if another white wolf was born... they would be stronger than all of the others! Back with a vengeance, they would kill off our entire species, once and for all!" 

I realised that as we had been talking, the entirety of both packs had stopped fighting and came to surround us. 

She stood up tall and strong, "Bloodmoon pack! Avenge your alpha! Destroy the prophecy! Kill the b-"

She never got a chance to finish her sentence as I raised my hand and flew her straight into a nearby tree, head first. Dying instantly. 

The pack was silent. 

I closed my eyes for just a moment. 

My first memories of being a white wolf were full of hatred, my pack had been killed, but there was something else there. Something that had made me kill countless other wolves. Wolves that were innocent, that had nothing to do with the attack on my pack.

Why did I kill them? I had no reason to.

But my wolf had been born with a vengeance that had settled deep inside of me from the moment she and I connected. 

All this time...

My breathing had quickened, I was shocked that I had never realised before.

It didn't matter that they had killed my pack, that I had been provoked. All along... all along I had this... hatred of wolves. A hatred that I would have had whether they killed my pack or not. 

I would have always turned out this way, a cold blooded killer. I was destined for this, to wipe out the wolves.

And in a way... hadn't I been doing just that?

Killing every wolf that came at me in the wrong way... all those innocent lives lost because of me. I had been wiping out the wolves ever since I got my wolf... and I hadn't even realised it. 

I was fulfilling the prophecy. 

How had I not seen it before? 

I was the enemy. I had always been the enemy. 


Almost at the end! But don't worry! The spin-off is already up on my profile!

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