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Jisung was nervous to put things lightly. He stared at the friend request Felix had sent him, questioning if this was really the smartest idea.

After a solid three minutes of contemplation, Jisung closed his eyes and just accepted, then sending Felix a short message to let him know they could call whenever. His phone started buzzing a few seconds after, showing an incoming call from bokkie. Jisung was really anxious about talking, but with shaky hands he accepted the call and they were both silent for a few seconds.

"Hey... Jisung?"

Shock. That's what Jisung felt. Felix's voice was so.. unique. Deep, yet calming, a tad bit raspy, yet also smooth and easy to listen to. His voice was soft and sort of distant, yet it left Jisung with the feeling that it could be loud and powerful if Felix allowed it to be. And gosh, the way he said Jisung's name... at that, his heart felt things Jisung would never admit.

"Jisung? You there?"

"Ah right, sorry! Hey Felix"

His voice came out shaky and Jisung internally cursed himself for it. There's no way Felix didn't notice that.

"Your voice is really cute Sung, but I bet you're cuter"

"O-Oh, thank you.."

At that, Felix let out the most beautiful laugh Jisung had ever heard, and that was truly saying something because a few seconds ago if asked, he would've told you nobody in the world had a better laugh than Minho.

Jisung let out a huff and tried to fight off the blush creeping up his cheeks.

"So um.. what was the game you wanted to play?"
(I'm not stuttering again, y'all can imagine it if you want cuz it's not happening.)

Felix laughed again and explained the instructions of the game to Jisung. Felix would be the first to handle the manual part since he was more familiar with the game, and Jisung would defuse the first few bombs. After Jisung downloaded the game and Felix pulled up the manual, the game began and Jisung just stared at the box in front of him in confusion.

"Okay, pick a module and tell me what you see."

"Pick a what?"

"A module.. okay, are there any wires on the box?"

"Oh, yes! Six wires."

The first three bombs went by pretty smoothly, Jisung managed to deactivate them all with usually 1-2 minutes left on the clock. Felix was really good at reading the manual and he always asked the right questions, but the issue arose when they switched places and it was Jisung's turn with the manual.

"Okay, I have the bomb.. symbols first."

Jisung scrolled down the manual and landed at the symbols section. He quickly read the instructions before Felix began speaking, and somehow, misinterpreted columns for rows.

"So the symbols I have here are.. there's like a smiley face with a tongue sticking out, a paragraph symbol, backwards distorted E, and a weird trident W thingy."

Jisung looked at the symbols in the chart and was a bit confused by the last one but just picked the closest one to the description.

(Okay so the actual way to do this is columns, so the order would be W thing, smiley face, paragraph, backwards E, but Jisung misunderstood and thought it was rows, specifically the one I surrounded in greenish :)

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(Okay so the actual way to do this is columns, so the order would be W thing, smiley face, paragraph, backwards E, but Jisung misunderstood and thought it was rows, specifically the one I surrounded in greenish :)

"Okay.. so press the W thing first, then the paragraph symbol, smiley face, backwards E."

Felix clicked the numbers and a strike appeared in the strike counter.

"Um Sung? That wasn't it."

"Okay.. try backwards E, smiley face, paragraph symbol, and then the W."

"Jisung.. still wrong, that's strike two. One more and we die."

They both started panicking a bit. The game wasn't real, and they were of course comfortably in their rooms, but that timer really got to you after some time, especially if it ran faster when you got two strikes. They decided to move on to another section and come back to symbols later. They managed to get through most of them before the timer ran out, but morse code was another section which they struggled in.

The clock was ticking, Felix was under pressure, Jisung was under pressure, and there were dots and lines flashing.

"Okay um.. dot dot dot, just a dash, dot dot.. dash dot, dash dash dot."

The word Felix was looking for was Sting, but for some reason the call cut out for a second and Jisung missed a part of what was said.

"Um Felix can you repeat that?"

"Jisung, no time!! The clock is almost up, 15 seconds!"

They both panicked and Jisung started looking for the word.



"OKAY TRY.. 3.582 MHz!"

Jisung heard some aggressive clicking on the other line before a loud screech was heard.

"I got that wrong didn't I..?"

They were both exasperated, those were by far some of the most stressful minutes of their life.

"Jisung.. you really messed that one up, but it was fun."

With that, they both kind of decided to call it a night and close the game, but neither of them really wanted to hang up, so they didn't.

"Hey Sungie? I completely get if you don't want to or anything but can we switch to a video call? Dunno why, just had the urge to. Are you cool with it?"

"Sure, I'm cool with it."

Felix closed the call, fixed his hair, and pressed the FaceTime button instead.


Next chapter will be the continuation! Hope you guys enjoyed this one :D

If something was inaccurate, I never actually ended up playing the game cuz it cost money.. I based this off of the three youtube videos I saw hehe

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