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Without wasting any more time, Jisung scrolled through Felix's instagram comments trying to find someone that seemed close to him. At first he had no success, but eventually Jisung stumbled upon a string of comments where Felix was having a conversation with someone. He decided to give this person a shot.

Jisung's anxiety bubbled up while typing out a message, but he reminded himself this was all for Felix.

Hey um I have a question, are
you close to Felix by any chance?

Jisung stared at the chat for a few minutes, not getting a response. He grew more and more worried as the seconds ticked by so he got up and went to make himself some tea to calm his nerves. While the water was boiling, Jisung heard a ding from his phone. He dropped everything and ran towards it at record speed and let out a relieved sigh when he saw the notification was from the person he had texted.

Yes I am, who are you?

Oh great! I'm Jisung. Do you
have his address by any chance?

Oh you're the guy Felix
likes!! He talks about you
a lot

By any chance, do you know
what's up with him lately? He
hasn't been responding to
my messages

Yes, I know

I messed up big time with
him and I need to find him
to try and fix it

Oookay.. well know I'm
only doing this because I want
my best friend to be okay.

Text me when you're with
him, I've been worried sick
and he never opens the door
when I go over

View location!

Thank you so much! I'll
text you when I'm there

No problem, don't do
anything stupid <3

Jisung ran around his house grabbing his keys, purse, and shoes. He turned the stove off, slipped on his shoes, and was out of the house.

Before heading over to the location Jisung decided to stop by a flower shop by his residency. He bought Felix a small bouquet adorned with daisies, orchids, and lavender flowers. After, he stopped by a bakery two shops down and bought himself as well as Felix some food since he had a feeling Felix hadn't been eating as much as he should.

Jisung finally made his way to Felix's house, getting odd looks from bystanders as he sprinted down the street. He finally arrived and hastily knocked on the door. No response at first, so Jisung tried again.

"Maybe he isn't home.."

The boy sat on the staircase, determined to speak to Felix today. Two hours passed by and Jisung was still there. He contemplated looking through the window to check if Felix really was home but that would be too invasive, is what he had thought before it started pouring rain.

Jisung stuffed the paper food bag in his shirt so it wouldn't get too damaged and ran up to the door, knocking again. No answer, as per usual, so he decided to just check the window.

There was a light on in the kitchen and he could see Felix pouring himself a glass of something. Jisung tapped on the window and yelled at Felix to open the door. Only then did the boy's head snap up to look at him. Felix's eyes widened and he ran to the door, throwing it open and yanking Jisung inside.

"Jisung! What in the world are you doing here?!" Felix had moved to get a kitchen towel and started drying the shivering boy. "I needed to see you... it's been two weeks Lix." His voice came out shaky and Felix moved to take off his hoodie. He turned around so Jisung could take his wet shirt off and change.

To Felix, Jisung was just shaking because of the cold. But to Jisung, it was both that and the flood of emotions crashing on him in waves now that Felix was stood in front of him.

"I wished we could've met under different circumstances, but we need to talk." Felix had been dreading this conversation but he had pushed it off for far too long. With Jisung's words still heavy in the air, the two moved to the sofa and sat down with an awkward space between them.

Jisung set the flowers and food down on a table and turned to look at Felix. He looked thinner than usual, they both did really. Thinner as well as paler and malnourished. "Why did you block me for so long?" Felix sucked in a breath. He knew they needed to talk, but that didn't change the fact that he was scared of the outcome of their conversation. "I was scared.. I wanted to speak to you all these days but I couldn't bring myself to. I'm sorry Ji.. I messed everything up. I completely understand if you want to cut off all contact and forget me, I deserve-"

"Felix stop." Jisung inched just a little bit closer to the boy before continuing. "You didn't mess everything up Lix. If you did, I wouldn't be here. You just.. delayed our talking, that's all." He moved a little closer. "We were both so oblivious to each-other's feelings, it's crazy!" A little closer... "All this because we were unsure as to whether the other reciprocated our feelings even though we both made it so damn obvious that we did." Jisung was right in front of Felix now. He reached to take one of the boy's hands in his, and looked up to finally get a closer look at his face. Felix's eyes were watery. The tears threatened to fall at any moment.

Jisung moved even closer, moving his other hand to gently wipe a stray tear. "Lee Felix, I like you too. A whole lot." Jisung flashed him a smile and that's when Felix's tears let go and fell like waterfalls. He moved to hug Jisung and buried his head in his neck, sobbing while Jisung gently stroked his back.

They stayed like this for a few moments before Felix started to calm down. He hesitantly pulled away and rubbed at his red eyes. "You're not messing with me are you?" Jisung was taken aback by Felix's words, but he shook his head no and moved to cup the boy's face in his hands. "Two weeks without you has been bad enough, why would I risk making that more by messing with you? I'm being completely honest with you right now Felix. I really do like you back." At that, they both smiled and Jisung leaned even closer, their noses almost brushing against each-other.

"May I?"


And with that, Jisung closed the gap between them and they both shared a gentle and loving kiss. One that expressed their feelings better than they ever could. Felix smiled into the kiss and Jisung followed suit before they pulled away.

"Be my boyfriend." Felix had a determined look on his face while asking but was met with a laugh and his forehead being flicked.

"Too fast bud, take me out on a date first." Felix blushed at that and rubbed his neck sheepishly. His eyes trailed to the flowers and food before standing up, grabbing an empty vase as well as two plates and utensils from the kitchen. He filled the vase with water and placed the bouquet inside.

Jisung helped him with the food and they both sat back down on the couch, leaving an awkward space again. "Oh come on Lix, why are you so far away?" Jisung whined and made grabby hands at Felix, who laughed and swatted them away. "Maybe I just want you to do what you did again." "Bet." And that is how they shared their second kiss, much like the first.


Story's not over fellas 🤠 but they finally talked!! I had a feeling someone would get mad at me if I left another chapter without them working things out :)

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