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An hour of procrastination turned into a day. A day turned into a week, and a week turned into two.

Felix knew he needed to talk to Jisung, they were both hurting because of this, but every time he'd reach the unblock button he would back out and throw his phone away from him.

Jisung was no better, if not arguably worse than Felix was. He would message the boy every day only to receive that damn message over and over again.


Lix please, let's just talk
this out
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Please tell me I'm unblocked
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I know I messed up on this one,
but please... Felix give me a chance
to talk this out with you
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The days are so dull without you
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You might not see this but good morning ❤️
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Remember to eat and get enough
sleep, oh and drink lots of liquids
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Not like I've been doing that haha
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I miss your dumb questions
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I miss playing random games
with you in call
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I miss staring at your fluffy hair
wishing I could play with it
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During all this, Minho, Chan, and Changbin had been with Jisung almost 24/7. They knew what had happened last time Jisung was hurt this badly and none of them wanted to risk leaving the boy alone for too long.

Changbin would constantly come over with cheesecake before dragging Jisung out of the house to go on a walk and get some fresh air. Minho practically moved into his house two days into the whole fiasco, he'd sleep over almost every day and he even brought his cats along in hopes they could distract Jisung from his thoughts.

Chan would tag along most of the time but he rarely stayed the night since he had to wake up early for work and Jisung's house was far from it.


I miss your laugh and your smile
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Jisung spent that day looking at the pictures and videos he had of Felix from their many late-night video calls.


I miss waking up and going to sleep
with a good morning/night message
from you
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He couldn't count how many times he had broken down crying at this point.


Damn it, I just miss you. All of you.
I miss you so much Felix
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I somehow thought saying that might
make you magically respond and say
you missed me too
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Jisung had hesitantly come up to Chan that day with a few loose pieces of paper with song lyrics messily written on them. The two worked late into the night perfecting the lyrics and beginning to form an instrumental to go with it.


Minho almost swallowed a bee
today, it would've been better if
you were there to laugh with me
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The two were in the studio Chan worked in yet again, but today Changbin and Minho had joined them. The three worked on the song while Minho slept on the couch.

After a long day's work, Jisung had recorded and assembled everything before they decided to go to the botanical gardens to keep Jisung out of his sorrow for just a little longer. There, Minho had picked up a flower when a bee flew at him. He'd screamed, and the animal almost flew into his mouth.


You know, I never told anyone but
Chan, Minho, and Changbin this
but I write songs sometimes
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I wrote one for you
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After recording the song, Jisung was too scared to listen to the finished product. All his thoughts and emotions were packed up in one song and he didn't want to face that hurt in that way. Music had always made him feel his emotions much stronger than normally, and he knew he would be sobbing for hours once he pressed play.


Lix it's almost been two weeks..
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Are you that mad at me?
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I'm sorry
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This is really hurting me too, Minho
threatened to take me to the hospital
yesterday because I fainted from dehydration
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I'm more worried about you though
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I just want to know you're okay
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Two weeks of being blocked anniversaryyyy
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I'm gonna come find you Lix, I
can't do this anymore
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That day had been his breaking point. Jisung missed the boy too much to continue another day unsure if Felix was okay or not.

If Felix wanted to cut things off, so be it.

If Felix didn't want to talk, so be it.

Jisung just needed to know he was okay.


I kind of love this chapter??

Anyway, I've been listening to 'Attention, please!' for the past hour

My favourite Enhypen song honestly

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