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Last chapter cuz school is gonna kill me like for real, only my second day and I've already been working almost nonstop for.. school day starts at 7:30 ends at 2:30, hour break.. getting home, eat, shower, another hour.. it's 8:58 as of writing this and I just finished working.. I've been working for about 11 hours with only like 2 breaks in between and I still haven'y finished everything.. like it's literally the second day I've stepped foot in that place?? Hello?????

Sorry I complain too much, y'all probably don't wanna hear this

Two weeks had passed since Jisung had sung Felix to sleep. The two had been talking nonstop, they'd been on multiple dates, and they both knew they were fully in love with each-other.

Jisung sat by his window staring at the clear night sky. The stars were completely visible tonight and the boy was completely in awe at them. He ran to his room and reached for his mini telescope to set it up in his backyard.

For some reason, the setting reminded him so much of Felix. So much so that he just had to tell the boy to come over, which is exactly what he did.


Come over :(

Sung it's late..

Please? You can stay the
night if you want

You know I can't say no
to you 😔

Be there in 20

Yay :)

💗 u

💗 u more

💗 u most

💗 u infinity

💗 u infinity and beyond

Uno reverse card

Is typing...

Stop, you know you can't
beat me 😌

Now stop texting I need
to drive


While he waited for Felix to arrive, Jisung set up a blanket fort in his backyard. He surrounded the structure with fairy lights and used some of the sticks for setting up camping tents to hold the blanket up. Inside he placed a ton of cushions and brought in two thick blankets. It wasn't snowing today, but it was still really cold. Jisung set a blanket outside of the fort so they could sit and stargaze properly and he also brought out a tray with a jug of water and two glasses so they wouldn't have to bother with going inside to get refills.

Felix arrived in just under 20 minutes and Jisung made him go to the bathroom even if he didn't have the necessity to. "Lix, we're not going back inside today so do what you need to do now!!". Felix was beyond confused by this, but he went with it anyway.

After finishing his business, Felix caught up with Jisung and they stepped outside. As soon as he saw what his unofficial boyfriend? had prepared, Felix was in awe. "Jisung.. you did all this? It's beautiful". Felix walked over to the blanket by the telescope and sat down, gesturing for Jisung to join.

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