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"Minho I really messed up." Jisung stared at the message with shaky hands before handing his phone over to Minho to check the conversation.

It took him a second, but his best friend finally looked up from the screen and fed Jisung a spoonful of pralines 'n cream ice crean before speaking. "Ji this isn't your fault, nor is it Felix's. Both of you are just scared of rejection." Minho set the ice cream bowl aside and moved them around so Jisung was laying on his chest while Minho twirled his hair around his fingers. "See, in this situation you have two options. Felix either doesn't know you reciprocate his feelings or he's too scared to believe it. You're the only one that knows both side of things now. Ji you can either wait for him to come to you, or you can make the first move."

Jisung looked up at his best friend with unsure eyes and Minho sighed and reached for the remote to turn the random rom com they were watching off. He took one of Jisung's hands in his and squeezed lightly. "It'll be okay love... just be sure that whatever you choose is the right option. The second is riskier because Felix implied he needed time to think, so just wait a couple of days. If you still hear nothing from him, find him." He ended this off with a small smile which Jisung hesitantly reciprocated before burying his head in Minho's chest. "Min this is all so complicated. Thank you for being here to help me through it." "You're welcome, and now you need to sleep. I have a feeling you didn't do that enough these last few days." Jisung let out an exaggerated gasp and smacked his friend's thigh, to which he received a pained groan before Minho shoved him off to the other end of the bed.

"No wait Min I'm sorry, I was comfortable." Jisung rolled over and draped himself over the older again, hugging him tightly to ensure he wouldn't be pushed off again. "Whatever makes you sleep at night.." Despite his tone sounding annoyed, Minho adorned a fond smile on his face. He drew circles on the younger's back and played with his hair with his other hand. He soon heard Jisung's breathing steady and he moved to turn the movie back on to help him fall asleep too.


Felix read over his most recent texts with Jisung for what felt like, and probably was, the hundredth time. He knew he made the wrong move by blocking him, but now he had done it and he was too scared to unblock the boy.

For one, what if Jisung didn't like him back? Yeah, Jisung did show he was jealous and sad when he thought Felix had a partner, but what of that?? Friends can get jealous too right..? And second, what if Jisung hated him for cutting the conversation short without giving him a chance to respond?

Felix was hurt, and he knew Jisung was too. They had to talk things out soon or the situation would escalate, but Felix just couldn't bring himself to, letting each day come and go just staring at the unblock button, but never actually pressing it.



Aaaaanyway, Minsung soft hours 🥺 I want this kind of friendship

Also update on my life! Turns out I have a friend at this new school (grade above me so I won't have her in class but whtv) and she's been telling me a lot about the school and I'm less anxious now :D actually kinda excited tbh


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