Chapter 3: I am no Hero or Villain

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"Umm, Beru. Why are you brushing my hair?"

"Because My Queen, your hair became messy during the fight against the Destruction Monarch. You always look beautiful with your hair straight"

"Now, you're talking like Aunt Kyung-Hye" Jisoo said as Beru, one the Three Grand Marshals and the Ant King who's considered by Jin-Woo and Jisoo, to be most killing machine of all the Shadows, was brushing her beautiful purple hair and straightening it.

They were at abandoned beauty salon which Beru took the opportunity to fixed Jisoo's hair since it was messy and unruly wavy due of her and Jin-Woo's final battle against the Destruction Monarch Antares, Ashborn's archenemy.

Beru soon finished straightening Jisoo's hair which Jisoo looked herself in the mirror.

'Hmmm, Jin-Woo, Jin-Ah, and Aunt Kyung-Hye were right, I am really that pretty and attractive, well the term is beautiful

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'Hmmm, Jin-Woo, Jin-Ah, and Aunt Kyung-Hye were right, I am really that pretty and attractive, well the term is beautiful. I always thought Hae-In and Ms Tawata are the most beautiful Hunters' Jisoo thought since on the moment she saw Cha Hae-In, S-Ranked Hunter and Jin-Woo's girl and Tawata Kanae, the Japanese S-Ranked Hunter.

Despite of that, Jisoo is the one who both S-Rank Hunters thought that she was more beautiful than them.

"So, let's get going. I have a feeling that one of the Iron's, Tank and Greed's teams are having some difficulty" Jisoo soon said as walking away from the beauty salon with Beru by her side.

Jisoo looked around the abandoned Tokyo which it made her somehow feel sympathy since it reminded how Tokyo was in her world after she and Jin-Woo destroyed the whole ants and got Beru by their side.

She also helped out Tawata Kanae and her group to clean up the mess with the help of the Shadows and also, ate some food while she was helping them out.

She likes Korean and Japanese food.

"Should we see what happening over there, My Queen?"

"Yeah, first we start with Iron and Tank. I bet Greed will handle it since he's strong and he will definitely follow the orders since the punishment he endured from Jin-Woo" Jisoo soon said which Beru end up shivering of fear due that he also suffered the same punishment.

Damn, Jin-Woo.

"You're good?"

"My Queen, sometimes My Liege's temper scares me"

"I forgot that Jin-Woo did the same punishment to you like he did with Greed. Sorry, let's go"

"Hey! Stop right there!!!" Jisoo and Beru turn around and seeing group of villains behind them.

Beru looked rather annoyed while Jisoo remained calm and stoic since she knew that they were not even her level.

"Who the hell are you and that creepy bug Quirk of yours?! Are you a Hero or a Villain?! Answer me, you... freakishly pretty foreigner!!!" One of the villain shouted which Beru became irritated by their choice of words while Jisoo looked at them with cold gaze.

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