Chapter 32: The New Life

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Author's pov

"So, the Adoptive Daughter of the Duke Eckhart disappeared and then the Queen and my foolish brother along her family and other nobles gets throw to the dungeons? This can't be a coincidence" a young 18 years old prince soon said as looking at his assistant who had wavy, dark brown hair and green eyes as wearing glasses.

"Well, Your Highness. That's what I thought, the Adoptive Daughter of the Duke Eckhart ran away which corrected by my investigation, it was because Duke Eckhart didn't notice that his sons and his whole stuff were abusing the young girl as you would be feeling mad if you knew what they been doing to her"

"Huh, typical bastards. All nobles like the Queen and her bullshit thinks they can get away with everything. I guess the Princess ran away because she had enough with their bullshit like how I do with my stepmother" he said as revealing his bright, golden blond hair that was brighter and shines like gold along with his red eyes that resembles the red rubies.

Ladies and gentlemen.

I presented you, the one and only Psycho Prince who's acts like red flag but is the best green flag of all times.

Crown Prince Callisto Regulus.

(Fans: AAAAHHH!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍)

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(Fans: AAAAHHH!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍)

The best Prince who better than Prince Charming or a Knight of Shinning Armor.

In Penelope's previous timeline, he was only one who didn't kill her nor he never met her or even being brainwashed by Laila while she possessed the body of Ivonne.

He was too busy on dealing with the attempt assassinations from his wicked stepmother, the Queen and his half brother the Second Prince along with the Marquess Ellen and the nobles who were sided by them.

He wasn't present in coming of age and birthday of Penelope due to he was taking care of exposing the crimes of the Queen and her family.

He looks at the papers while he sit down on his chair.

"Cedric, the Real Daughter of Duke Eckhart came back after the Princess ran away and disappeared?" Callisto soon asked to his assistant Cedric Potter who nodded as showing more of his investigation about the disappearance of Penelope Eckhart.

Well, now Penelope Park/Park Jangmi.

"The Real Daughter of Duke Eckhart, Lady Ivonne came back which she didn't look happy by seeing her father and brothers...instead of she was mad at them"-Cedric

"Mad at them? That's new"-Callisto

"She yelled at them for the abandoning her and stopped looking for her, and for abusing her adoptive sister. She fired almost the whole stuff and kicked them out from the Dukedom. She doesn't look or even talk with her brothers, Lord Derrick Eckhart and Lord Reynold Eckhart. Sometimes with her father but she's criticizing him for being a horrible father to her and the adoptive daughter"-Cedric

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