Chapter Fourteen: Stay With Me, Tonight

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Armani's POV

"Stay with me, tonight," Antonio softly whispered once my crying had ceased.

I was leaned up against his hard chest in the darkness of my abode. I opened my eyes which felt so puffy and dry after crying every single liquid possible out of my body. I reached over and turned on the lamp that was sitting on the end table right next to the sofa.

Now that the light was on, I could see the slobbery mess I made on his white t-shirt. I reached over to my coffee table and grabbed a box of Kleenex and pulled a bunch of tissues out, before sitting the box down. I started to dab at his shirt, trying to clean it up, knowing it was no use.

"Don't worry about it, Tesoro."

I shook my head and continued to rub away anyways. He removed one of his hands around my waist and rose it up to stop my hand from moving. That's when I realized his bloody knuckles. I gasped at the sight of the purple swollen skin with red flakes of blood and cuts.

"Let me get the first aid kit," I spoke quickly, stumbling over my feet to get up.

Before I was able to ground my feet, I was pulled right back into his comforting arms, landing on his hardened lap. This man was made of steel and all muscles. You could tell he never skipped out on strengthening his thighs.

I felt him lean into my ear, pushing my curls away to carve just a spot for him to sculpt so perfectly there.

"Armani...answer my question and then I'll let you go, Tesoro," He whispered softly into my ear.

I shivered at the feeling of his breath on my earlobe. My heartbeat started to beat rhythmically faster just from being in the proximity of him and his scent--a mixture of aftershave and sandalwood. At that moment, him confessing to me earlier this morning that he was in the mafia didn't matter any longer.

The way he held me so softly as if I were a delicate flower was enough proof he would never hurt me. That was enough to yield my doubts about him for the moment. Right now, all I wanted to do and hear was his voice as I cuddled into his tight hold.

"Yes, I will," I gasped out more breathy than intended.

He loosened his hold around me to reposition me to where my legs were off to the side of him before he tightened his hold again as if he was scared something would happen to me again. We stared tenderly into each other's eyes soaking up the comfort we felt from each other. He leaned up to plant a light kiss on my forehead before he released his hold around me.


My overnight black duffel bag was packed with the essentials and thrown into his trunk. Now we were on the highway speeding off to Antonio's place for the night. The whole ride Antonio clutched tightly onto my thigh.

With the rush of the previous events, I was so ecstatic that it was Antonio that I had decided to call. I looked over at him and traced my eyes over the curves of his side angle with each fleeting flash of yellow from street lights.

I smiled a sad grin and squeezed his hand, before focusing back on the window and the pitch darkness that surrounded us.

Eventually, we pulled through a massive set of black iron gates up to a long driveway, which led to the giant mansion in front of us. I couldn't make much out of the details of the home, since it was night.

Antonio's House

Antonio's House

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