Chapter Twenty One- Passion and "I Love You"

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A/N: Hello to my dedicated readers! I apologize for not updating this story for so long. I know it's unfair on my part and I genuinely don't have any excuses besides that I've been trying to balance life. I can't promise more regular updates, but I'm going to try to put in more effort! As an apology, here's some smut baddies!!

 I can't promise more regular updates, but I'm going to try to put in more effort! As an apology, here's some smut baddies!!

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Armani's POV

Antonio's sleek black vehicle sped through the black iron gates routed at the entrance of his beautiful estate. This man was wasting no time, which made me shiver in excitement. I bit down on my lip in anticipation and squeezed my thighs together as we drove up the long, winding driveway to the orange-illuminated Italian chateau.

His car made a jerky sudden stop as he abruptly parked his car right in front of the grand entrance. He twisted the key, shutting the car off completely, before releasing his tight, possessive clutch on my thigh and swinging the car door open. Antonio rushed quickly over to the passenger side and swung the door open for me, grabbing my hand abruptly.

I tried focusing on the roughness of his hand to prevent myself from tumbling over in my heels. We had already been intimate, yet I still felt so nervous and shy. But, I wanted this more than anything, so I quickly followed on the tips of his toes as we scurried up the staircase.

As we approached the engraved, mahogany wooden door Antonio threw his keys into the hand of a teen boy who looked particularly skittish. Then, Antonio barked out a command in Italian to all his men that were lined up at the entrance on either side of us.

"Assicurati che nessuno interrompa me e la mia colomba." (Make sure nobody interrupts me and my dove.)

I cursed myself again for not learning Italian quickly enough and noted to ask Antonio later for an Italian tutor. But, that was the last of my worries as I had a fine, desirable man waiting for me. And, with that thought alone I snapped back into reality. The men dressed in tailored black suits and white, pressed dress shirts shouted out what I assume was a "yes sir!" command.

Antonio nodded his head to them and whisked us up the long staircase. He pushed his hand into the curve of my back pushing me into his bedroom, and shutting the grand wooden door behind him swiftly. Immediately, I looked up at him, through the filter of my eyelashes, and was met with his darkened gaze. My breath was caught in the back of my throat as he stared at me with his darkened eyes that were filled with so much lust and love.

I hadn't ever felt this much for someone. Let alone, had someone fill up so much capacity in my heart--unless it was my father.

All the temper and anger from earlier had eased its way out of the air and was replaced by sexual tension. I felt my heartbeat quicken as he reached his slender fingers to thread their way through my tangled curls.

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