Chapter 33: The Lonely Island

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As a portal closed behind Kenos, everyone looked at him. He looked back confused, it was as if he had done something wrong. Elias and Nichi diverted their attention back over towards themselves while Yuzui walked over towards him.

Yuzui: What the hell took you so long?

Kenos: The line was long, I got some food.

He put the bags on the table, as Elias and Nichi walked towards them.

Elias: Hey Ken, what's so bad about the guy we were running from?

Kenos looked coldly at Elias as if he had said something taboo.

Elias: Look I just-

Before he could say a word, Yuzui grabbed his arm as she had noticed a cut on it.

Yuzui: How did this happen?

Elias panicked for a second.

Elias: I-

Nichi: He fell outside and scraped his arm.

Kenos walked around him. His pupils lit up as they turned yellow.

Kenos: I know when someone lies....some people. What happened?

Nichi and Elias stayed quiet.

Kenos: This wouldn't have to do something with that question you asked...would it?

Elias' heart raced as he didn't know what to answer. As he took a second to breathe he calmed down a bit and decided to tell him the truth.

Elias: He was looking for something we found in the house next door.

Kenos looked at him dead in the eyes, his gaze felt as if his soul was being judged just from saying those words.

Kenos: What did he want?

His voice was a lot raspier than before.

Elias: I- it looked like an emblem in the shape of a star.

Kenos: W-

A noise was heard outside and before anyone else could even do anything, Kenos had already pulled a Halberd out of thin air. Without a knock, the door opened as Nahe and Kitsune ran in.

Kitsune: Ken, I know you don't trust us but something's wrong!

Acheron then walked in behind them.

Kenos: You have some nerve showing up like this...

A portal opened behind him and in a split second his Halberd was knocked out of his hand by an axe that flew in.

Stella: Something new showed up, something I couldn't hit.

Kenos looked back and with a cold stare summoned the Halberd again.

Stella: I'm not here to-

Kenos rushed at him immediately but as he approached, Stella grabbed his face and threw him into the ground.

Stella: Listen to me!

Kenos was unable to get up as Stella stepped on his chest.

Stella: Something is on its way to destroy us, something that I couldn't hit. We're in danger.

Kenos: Look who's trying to be the good guy now.

Stella: This is what I was trying to warn you about, but you didn't wanna listen!

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