Chapter 61: Vessel For Souls

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Kenos had told everyone to sit down, that it would be a long story. Okami dug his scythe into the ground and used it as support to sit down. Nahe looked at Kochev as if something was off.

Kochev: You okay kid?

Nahe: Are you actually Urth? I swear I read that Urth was a woman.

Kochev: Ah, right. I forgot to correct you back there. I'm not actually Urth, she was a friend of mine. She unfortunately passed when all other gods began disappearing.

Nahe: So then....

Kochev: I'm still a god, Itzamna was my old name. If you're asking why I responded to Urth though...she gave me her powers before vanishing entirely.

Elias looked over at him.

Elias: So you can control fate?

Kochev: That is how I change time, yes. If you're gonna tie this back to the other argument...please don't. It's still messing with a fragile timeline, there's not a lot I can do.

Kenos: You all done now? Can I explain?

Kochev: My bad, had to be specific for the people at home.

Nichi: What?

Kenos tore into the air to create a portal into the house. Volk looked through it annoyed while Alepou was trying to create some sort of gun from her own power.

Kenos: Get over here you two, I don't wanna have to explain this twice.

Volk: It better be one hell of a story.

Kenos: Answers to why things are the way they are.

Volk tapped Alepou's shoulder. She dismissed the gun and walked through the portal, and he walked through after her. Alepou created a chair to sit on. Volk looked at her as he stopped walking.

Alepou: What?

Volk: Can know?

She rolled her eyes and created another chair.

Kenos: Okay. Let's start from the beginning.

"The snowy mountains covered the sunset as a large castle seemed to have a bright light through a window. Inside sat the corpse of a fallen goddess beginning to disappear as a black haired boy cut through someone with one of the two axes he held. He then immediately froze a black haired girl with blue eyes entirely. One of the people who was now against him, a brown haired boy with a scythe, began to stretch to try and protect the girl."

Okami looked at the ground as the story kept going.

"The brown haired boy was cut down in an instant, almost as if time had been halted. He began disappearing as everyone else around him went to attack the black haired boy. One by one, they all failed to touch him. One by one, they began disappearing; all except the girl. A wolf with the mark of a star on its fur went to attack the boy as well.

"The wolf shifted into a boy with brown haired and green eyes. The brown haired boy had the upper hand for a second until the black haired boy pushed him back and swung up, slicing through him. Just before the brown hair boy hit the ground, the black haired boy put his hand towards him. The brown hair boy disappeared, almost as if the black hair boy absorbed his other half. He smiled as he dismissed both axes and went towards the frozen girl."

Kitsune looked to the side as this all seemed too familiar.

"As the boy unfroze her upper half, he laughed. He spoke to someone, it wasn't directed towards the girl though, he was looking up. His white pupils constricted as he acknowledged someone else watching. He kept walking up to the girl, not to kill her, she had a much worse fate in store. Not much later he met a red-haired girl whom he also used for his stupid plans. She was my mother, he was my father, not once did I see him in my childhood. His lack of care led to my abduction as my mother's past had caught up to her due to him."

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