Chapter 65: An Old Face

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Though in a dark room, Volk was not afraid. He felt the surrounding area get colder as he felt he was being watched. He walked forward, trying to look through the darkness. Taking a deep breath, he stopped in his tracks after hearing another set of footsteps behind him.

"After all this time, she finally fell." a voice spoke. Even without turning to look, he knew who it was.

"Hello, mother. You here to take the last bit of patience I have?" he responded.

He turned around to see her. "How are you even here?"

"Doesn't matter kid. I've been trying to talk to you ever since you came back, but your little girlfriend was blocking me out." she said, making herself visible.

Her pink horns giving off a faint glow, her black hair being moved by the chilly wind surrounding them, she looked down at Volk.

He covered his body in his armor, setting one foot forward.

"I'm not here to fight, child. I need you to listen to me this time around." she said, staring down at him.

"Then tell me how you're alive." he yelled.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'm not, you fool. I was denied my-"

Volk woke up on the couch. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up. He got off of the couch and walked outside, making as little noise as possible. The morning sun was beginning to show, yet he still felt cold.

Kochev: Yo, you good?

Volk looked around and saw no sign of him.

Kochev: Look up you goof.

Volk: What the fuck are you doing on the roof?

Kochev: Taking in the sunrise.

Volk: Did you even sleep?

Kochev: You really think we sleep?


Kochev: Nope. We don't need it.

Volk: We as in gods?

Kochev: Yes.

Volk: Ah.

The two stayed quiet for a second.

Kochev: So V, what exactly is your plan?

Volk stared off at the sun, thinking.

Volk: I- Uhh. Look man, I'm not a hero. We aren't built to save anyone.

Kochev: That's not what I'm talking about. I'm asking, what do YOU wanna do?

Volk looked at his hands, it was shaking a bit. Letting out a deep breath he looked back at Kochev.

Volk: I just want to live a normal life, not being chased, not having powers. Not being half a god. As much as I wanna get revenge on whatever group is hunting us...I can't. I don't think I'll have the strength to keep going.

Kochev jumped down from the roof.

Kochev: Listen, a god isn't anyone special. We're just survivors of the old world who were given powers by an actual celestial being. You literally don't need to put yourself on a pedestal for having god blood in your veins.

Volk: So, about that "old world"... that's true? It isn't just a legend?

Kochev: Hell no. That's an entire can of worms I don't wanna talk about though.

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