Chapter 51: Enigmatic Aftermath

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Nahe stood up and walked outside to see Alepou, Volk, Okami and Tori looking at the sunrise. He walked up to Tori and tapped on her shoulder. She looked back and stood up as he asked her a question.

Nahe: Hey, didn't he leave one of those weapon things somewhere in the castle?

Tori looked at him, confused.

Tori: He did?

Nahe: Did he...not talk to you about it?

Tori: I mean... he had mentioned it, but he never said he had one.

Nahe closed his eyes and held his head with one hand.

Nahe: Just checked, he did. It was in the cellar.

Tori: Pfft, no wonder. I never went there.

Nahe: You did though, quite a few times.

Tori: Kit did, not me.

Nahe: But aren't you-

Tori: No, we are different people.

Nahe: ...then why do I have your memories?

Tori: Listen, we share SOME memories, not all of them.

Nahe: Oh.

Tori: ...

Nahe: ....

Nahe: So...

Tori: Let's just walk away before it gets more awkward.

Nahe: Yeah, we'll worry about that thing later.

The two agreed on finding the weapon later. Nahe headed inside again. He saw Nichi dead asleep along with Elias. His eyes felt a bit heavy as he sat down on the floor by the stairs. Acheron walked towards him, questioning something.

He noticed that Nahe was falling asleep and let him rest. He sat down next to him and put his earbuds on again. Yuzui walked out of the kitchen and past the two to head into the living room. She sat down next to Kenos as he was still asleep. Everyone took the time to rest. The group that was outside kept on talking.

Volk: So, can we get a proper introduction to you Tori.

Tori: ...hi?

Volk: I mean like who are you? You told us about everything with Argos and Kit but what about you. Who are you exactly?

Okami: Oh boy. This should be interesting.

Tori: Well, as you definitely know by now, my name is Tori. You already know about the whole dissociative disorder thing cause of him, so I'll skip that. I was created at the Fall of Amnea-

Alepou: You were there?!

Tori: My mother had to meet up with Accalia that day. It had something to do with Oka, I don't remember what it is.

Alepou froze up entirely as she saw people being crushed by debris left and right. She saw buildings being destroyed and monstras running rampantly. She remembered turning around and seeing her mother being eaten alive by a Tarand, a creature, having a head like a stag, or a little bigger and two stately horns with large branches. She remembered Argos grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from everything. She snapped back to the conversation.

Tori: It was horrible, especially as young as she was. She had wished to not be there, and suddenly I was there in her place.

Okami: I was so confused when you came back.

Tori: Dude, you caused so much trouble when we had returned.

Okami: Listen, in my defense, they were shooting at us.

Volk: What happened?

Tori: Okami shot some yakuza members when he was like 10.

Alepou: What the fuck?

Okami: Hey, they shot innocent kids because they were looking for his parents!

Tori: You were a kid!

Okami: They shot my friend! I was furious!

Volk: Great, the emotionally unstable kid had a gun, and he shot someone. What's next? I follow in my mother's footsteps and become ruler of Helheim?

Tori looked to the side as if he was right.

Volk: Tori?

Tori: Listen, I'm not saying it's a possibility...


Tori: In Ly's dream, that happened. So far, everything that he's dreamt of has happened in some sort of way.  The whole fighting someone with orange eyes...Accalia. Almost everyone coming back, yeah. Him disappearing as he took down said person, check. Meeting a new group of people just before that fight, check.

Okami: That dream, how did Argos do that?

Tori: He shut him off entirely using a hallucination power. He sent him into a deep sleep.

Volk: Wait, don't change topics! What do you mean?!

Tori: Long story short, you went to Helheim to stop monstras from ever appearing again. Along with Hel and Ly who had been brought back. After a horde of monstra ambushed you and Ly, you came out victorious, but only because Ly had fallen, and you took his power. With no way to return, you stayed and ruled over Helheim for the rest of eternity.

They all stayed quiet as the clouds covered the sun.

Tori: But hey, it's just a dream...right? If anything V, you can look into the future and see if anything bad happens.

Volk: Holy shit...I have that!


Alepou: Honestly, I'm not surprised.

Volk: What's that supposed to mean?

Alepou: Nothing.

She smirked at him.

Volk: Either way, as I stated before, it takes a lot of power. Also-

It had started to rain. More than that, it was thundering. They all headed inside. Tori stood at the doorway as she was the last to enter. She closed her eyes, her hand holding the doorknob.

She let out a very deep breath. Alepou knew what she felt. She approached her from behind and put her hand on Tori's shoulder. Tori looked back, her hair covering her eye. Alepou knew that it wasn't rain water what ran down her face. She knew Tori wasn't as tough as she showed to be.

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