Chapter 74: Colder Than Ice

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Volk opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, he grabbed his head in pain. He stood up to see he was alone in the cellar. Nothing was dark anymore, the ambience seemed different. There was no noise, the ground wasn't shaking. He looked around after shaking his head a bit. The place was in a better condition than before. Volk decided to go up the stairway, but stopped suddenly. He heard a set of footsteps behind him. He turned around, his expression became grim immediately as he recognized those pink horns.

Volk: Hello again, mother.

It was Hel, Ruler of Helheim.

Hel: Took quite a hit back there, kid.

The air became colder around them.

Volk: What is it you want? Am I finally dead?

Hel: No.

Volk: Then what is it?

The two looked at each other directly in the eyes.

Hel: To finish talking. I was interrupted before by Itzamna... or how you kids call him now, Kochev.

Volk: Make it quick, cause if I'm not dead, then I have to protect everyone still.

Hel: Then listen to me, and listen to me well. I need to get back to my position in my realm.

Volk covered his mouth as he began laughing.

Volk: You want ME to bring YOU back? After you tried killing us?

Hel: Precisely. If I'm not back-

Volk: Then you are as crazy as father had said.

Volk turned around, wanting to make his way up the stairway. Everything became dark suddenly, the room got even colder. The only light in the area was her pink horns. Her voice had turned rough.

Hel: If I'm not back to help control all the monstra then every realm will fall into chaos.

Volk: Why should I believe you? In fact, why should I believe anyone?! I'm done playing the fool in everyone's game.

Hel: Do you want to see what I mean, kid?

She reached her hand out and swiped the air to reveal something resembling the screen on a computer. Her black hair gained a gradient of the color pink. The screen showed events happening throughout everywhere, monstras rampaged through homes, hospitals, schools, clubs. They were stopping trains, cars, planes, boats and completely obliterating anything inside. Volk saw people being ripped apart, eaten alive, held captive to be devoured later.

Volk: Then why?! Why did you attack us?!

Hel: A misunderstanding.

Volk: MISUNDERSTANDING?! You destroyed all of Russia, made Thor destroy Lykos' village, sent monstras towards Okami's hometown!

Hel: Yes, a misunderstanding.

Volk: You sent Thor after us, the valkyrie, the army of monstra! How is that a misunderstanding?!

Hel: Snowfall, as the people came to recognize the destruction of Russia, was the result of an outbreak in Helheim where multiple valkyries had been corrupted. They opened a portal to Midgard, your realm, and let out one fraction of Helheim into it. At that same time, I had been looking for your father. Thinking I had found him, I called out to who I thought was him. When you heard me say, "Found you." I was under the assumption that you were him, even now you have his aura around you. Same thing with Lykos, I saw his aura there and sent Thor to do something about it. The monstra attack on Okami's place had nothing to do with me, though.

A moment of silence followed.

Volk: ... Then why attack us?

Hel: I thought you were allied with him. I tried talking to you three. But then-

Volk: Okami...

Hel: Precisely.

Volk: So it could have all been avoided...

Hel: Like I said. I just wanted to make a deal. It was The Truth.

Volk looked at the floor.

Volk: What do you need?

Hel: I'll need a physical body to be able to talk to you outside this 'dream state' which I'm sure is what you're calling it.

Volk: Am I not in a dream technically?

Hel: Although you are very powerful in dreams even if you do not know it, no. This is in your soul.

Volk: Hmm...

Hel: Continuing. Once I have a body, any body. I will be able to give you the next set of instructions. I would talk to you just like how your Lisa did, but she completely blocked me out of that path.

Volk: Does a dead body work?

Hel: No, alive. Just souless. Ask your black haired friend to help you out with that. That spirit energy she has is tied to soul energy. Anima, as older Telum users called it.

Volk: Sure... I don't think they'll trust you, and frankly I don't fully trust you either, but I don't want others to suffer.

Hel: Good, that's why I took in my place as Ruler of Helheim. Now go, your friends still need you, kid.

Volk looked at her and gave her a thumbs up before running up the stairway.

Hel: And be careful with those creatures!

Volk managed to hear what she said as he made his way up. Just as he crossed the entrance, a flash occurred. He opened his eyes again and was on a bed. He saw Elias sitting on the floor beside the bed. Volk sat up and rubbed his eyes, Elias immediately noticed.

Elias: Oh, thank the gods you're okay.

Volk grabbed his head in pain again.

Elias: I am so sorry Volk, I lost control...

Volk: Agh, it's fine. I know what anger can do to someone. Just be more careful next time, okay?

Elias: Yeah...

Volk: What went on while I was out?

Volk still held his head, he had a massive headache.

Elias: I... Kochev was left behind. I know he's a god, but I hope he's okay.

Volk: I'm sure he'll be fine.

Elias: Apart from that, well... Kit AND Tori are out of commission for a bit.

Volk: Huh?!

Elias: Yeah, she used whatever she had been looking for...

Volk got out of bed quickly.

Volk: Let's go....

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