Making things right

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Alessandro -

Back at the house I look at Isabelle asleep, both of her wrists bandaged. I let this go on for to long. I put my wife in this issue, I have to make things right between us again.

Before leaving the room I kiss Isabelle's forehead and whispering " I love you".

Getting down to the kitchen to eat something and go over the files that were giving to me by my second in command. Finishing my food I go to my home office, jumping into work but also planning something for me and Isabelle that I know she will love.

After a few hours I went upstairs to check on her, to see if she was awake. When I entered the room it looked like she was asleep but I knew she was not. So I walked over to her, sitting on the bed holding her hand in my. I began to speak how I should have months ago.

" Isabelle, you have to wake up. I need to know if you are okay. Also I want to make things right with you, between us. Because I was the one that screwed everything up between us. And I am very sorry, but you to know that during those months I can not stop thinking about you. And how I hurt you, I should have never put my hands on you. I am so sorry my belle, I intend to make things right with you, that I promise. Also you should know that I have not been with any other women. I could not do that to you. So please my love, open your eyes."

After a moment Isabelle opened her eyes looking right into my soul.

" you promise?" She spoke so very softly.

I nodded my head yes, helping her to sit up on the bed. I watch her look at her wrists, I gently grab her chin.

" Do not to this again. Do you understand me?"

She nodded her head and I reached for her to hug her. The thought of losing her scared me more then anything in the world.

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