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blake laughed evilly at the girl and walked away, leaving the hurt girl alone. faye lay crying for a few moments, she looked around making sure he was definitely gone. she carefully stood herself up using the wall to help, clutching to her stomach.

she slowly made her way to sky and riven's dorm, praying that one of them would be there. when she arrived, the girl softly knocked on the door, there was no answer. she cursed to herself. she tried the door knob and thankfully it was open, faye walked into the dorm.

"hello?" she quietly cried out. no answer. faye sighed, making her way to riven's room, opening the door and seeing he wasn't there. she sat at the end of his bed, waiting for him to get back.

faye had been waiting for an hour until sky and riven were finally back at their dorm, she heard them talking outside riven's room. faye slowly stood herself up and opened the door.

the boys head's snapped in faye's direction, she looked at riven and then sky. she noticed he was in his training gear.

"why are you wearing that?" she asked trying to sound okay, but she was still clutching onto her stomach, thankfully also it was dark so they couldn't really see the bruises on her face.

"uh, the burned one they killed. it uh, wasn't the one that got your dad." sky said. faye's face dropped.

"wait what?" she questioned in panic.

"it's okay now though me, bloom, stella and the other girls killed the one that got your dad, well dowling killed it but still." he quickly told her to calm her nerves.

"so he's actually okay this time?" she asked, wincing slightly clutching her stomach.

"faye. what's wrong?" riven asked, noticing the girl wince.

faye stepped into the light revealing a dark bruise on her right cheek.

sky and riven rushed to the girl. "who the fuck did this." riven snapped, making faye flinch. "sorry, i'm sorry faye i didn't mean to shout." he apologised.

"it was uh, i uh i fell." she lied but looking down.

"faye." sky lifted the girl's face back into the light seeing streaks of tears down her face.

"faye. was it blake?" riven asked the girl softly.

faye stayed silent, more tears going down her soft skin.

"i'll fucking kill him." sky muttered to himself.

"i'll join you." riven added.

"no please." she begged. "not yet, i don't wanna be alone."

"riv, stay with faye." sky demanded. "he's fucking dead."

"sky!" faye cried. "not yet. don't do anything yet. please."

"okay. okay i won't." sky softly said calming her down. "but faye, if you don't do anything about this we will." sky pointed to him and riven.

faye nodded. "i just- just not tonight please."

"want me to talk to your dad? or do you wanna do it in your own time?" sky asked.

"i'm not sure yet, i'll just sleep on it all and decide what to do in the morning." she answered, wiping her tears away.

"faye, sky was just about to head back out to check on the other girls, do you wanna just stay with me?" riven asked, softly smiling.

faye just nodded, she didn't feel like speaking much.

riven muttered a soft okay, he slowly wrapped his arms around faye's shoulders, making her flinch.

"faye, it's okay, it's me." riven told her, stroking her hair softly.

the brunette nodded, letting riven place his arms around her, she practically fell into him. the poor girl was exhausted. mentally and physically, her body was aching. riven sat her carefully on his bed, she was still in her outfit from the party.

"wanna change into some of my clothes?" he asked.

"yes, please." faye managed to say.

riven went through his wardrobe and pulled out a black t-shirt and some black joggers, he passed them to the girl and left the room so she could change.

faye slipped out of her dress, she slightly gasped when she saw herself in the mirror, there were multiple dark bruises on her stomach and ribs. her right cheek also had a dark bruise on it. she hated herself for not properly sticking up for herself. she should've done better. faye changed into the clothes riven gave her.

she walked over to the door letting riven know he could come back in, the girl sat on his bed and sighed.

"i'm sorry, riv." she whispered. "you were right."

"faye. don't." riven warned.

"no, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry for not believing you." faye apologised, the tears starting again.

"faye, please. it's okay." riven tried to assure the girl, carefully sitting next to her not wanting to startle her. "you didn't deserve this, pretty girl."

"then why do i feel like i did?" she asked him, her voice cracking.

riven's face dropped. "faye. i promise you with my life, you did not deserve this."

faye sighed and got into riven's bed pulling the covers up to her shoulders.

"want me to stay with you?" he asked.

faye hummed, pulling the covers so he could get in next to her. "are you sure?" riven asked the girl. "i can sit on that chair." he pointed to a chair in the corner of his room.

"don't be silly, riv." faye smiled, patting the space next to her.

riven smiled, getting in next to the girl. faye moved closer to him, putting her arm around him.

faye only felt safe with riven and sky, but mostly riven. he could hold the girl in a way nobody else could. he could get her to open up to him so easily. it was faye and riven, it was always them.

a/n: i'm going to start doing shorter chapters because this book will literally have like 10 chapters if i keep writing super long ones :)

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