𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆

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terra told faye she had no luck in finding musa, so faye went to look instead. she quickly found the mind fairy near the specialist's training area, and sat on the steps of one of the platforms.

faye walked over to the girl, her hands already raised in defence. "i'm not here to ask questions, but riven told me you were interested in a little specialist training." faye grinned at her best friend.

"he can never keep quiet can he?" musa joked.

faye shook her head. "definitely not with me, that boy has the need to tell me everything that happens in his day, literally everything." she smiled.

faye grabbed a training stick from the ground and threw it at musa. "you sure you wanna do this?" faye asked. "not to be stuck up or anything but i'm like really good, very good."

musa stood up with the stick in her hand and walked up onto the platform.

faye took a breath. "alright, there's my answer." she walked up onto the platform.

musa held out the stick ready to spar with faye.

"okay, one, i'm not gonna go all out." faye told musa.

"boring." musa blankly replied, she went forwards quickly towards faye.

faye easily dodged the stick coming her way, musa continued and faye kept on dodging. "probably should've put you with someone on a lower level than me." faye let out a laugh as she blocked the stick with her arm.

faye went forward grabbing the stick from musa, hitting her on the back of the thigh.

"ow!" musa exclaimed.

"two, cool moves aside, you are not a specialist, musa." faye sassed, spinning the stick around in her hands, then pointing it towards her friend. "you could get hurt, and as your best friend i don't want that."

musa shrugged getting into a fighting stance. "bit more valid."

faye held the stick behind her back, only using one hand to fight the girl. musa threw kicks and punched but none of them reached faye.

"and, three, i know there's something else behind all this aggression." faye spoke, softer this time, then threw the stick to musa for her to use again.

they continued to spar for a few moments until musa lost her footing almost falling off the platform before faye quickly caught her and pulled her back towards her.

"musa, there you are." terra came up onto the platform, a strange look on her face.

musa quickly grabbed her jacket and bag trying to get away from terra.

faye let out a sigh she grabbed her back and walked over to a different part of the training grounds. her eyes glanced over the area trying to look for someone she knew, her eyes landed on riven, she didn't even know he was there.

she slowly walked up behind him but didn't get very far as riven already knew she was there.

"i know it's you, faye." he let out a laugh turning around to the girl and pulling her into a hug. "missed you, princess, didn't want to disturb your time with musa."

"she's going through something right now and won't tell any of us what's wrong, i thought instead of asking questions i could try to help her." faye shrugged.

"sometimes people don't want to admit they need help." riven told her, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"i got told something absolutely absurd today." faye laughed quietly, and riven nodded at her to continue. "so apparently rosalind told bloom that i have a whole line of ancestors' fairy magic to still tap into. strong ancestors too."

"you think it's a bad thing don't you?" riven asked softly.

faye nodded. "i don't want any more power, i'm strong enough already, oh and we were doing this thing to help musa get her magic back which is why she ran off but then bloom said my eyes were almost black, like what the fuck." faye quickly spoke.

"maybe." riven began, pulling faye into another hug. "stop using your magic for a little while."

"me? not use my magic? you sound like a crazy person, riv."

"and i don't wanna lose the love of my life to magic that she can't control." he softly replied stroking her hair.

faye sighed her head resting on riven's chest. "you're too good for me." she out out a small laugh.

"what the hell?!" faye heard musa shout from the distance.

"shit, hold on." faye quickly told riven, running over to musa and terra.

"terra, what are you doing?" faye asked in shock as musa's feet were quite literally in the ground.

"no, i... i didn't do it on purpose. there's something wrong with my magic." terra stuttered, quickly defending herself.

"so it's not just me?" faye asked. "i feel like i'm gonna fucking explode."

"i should... i need to go." terra spoke, quickly walking away.

"how do i get her out?!" faye shouted at the girl, but she continued to walk away. "great."

faye looked at musa who was now sitting on the ground. "you can go, it's fine." musa quietly told faye.

"definitely not." faye shook her head and sat down next to musa.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora