𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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faye and the rest of the girls had heard that the school was under attack by the blood witches after someone had tipped them off about the specialists going to their hideout.

faye picked up her phone and called her dad, after a few rings he answered. "dad?"

"faye, sweetheart." she heard his laugh over the phone. 

"um, me and bloom are okay. the school's been attacked by the blood witches, me and bloom are at this house but i'll send you the location." she quickly explained to him. "we should probably still be hiding but, i think they have bigger issues going on now."

"i'm just glad you're okay. both of you. we're on our way."


some of the specialists arrived soon after faye had called her dad. when her eyes landed on her father she ran to him and hugged him so tightly she was scared he was going to disappear.

riven jumped out of one of the suv's, he looked so tired but when he saw faye everything changed, they ran to each other and he picked her up and twirled her around like they were in some sort of fairy tale.

"i can't believe you're here, princess." he grinned down at his girl, his heart fixing every second he looked at her. 

faye went onto her tip toes and kissed him. she didn't care that there were people around them because all she saw was him. her true love, just like in the fairy tales.

they hugged each other for a few moments until bloom was ready to explain what happened at the school. the couple stood next to each other, faye's arms were wrapped around riven's and her head rested on his arm.

"the attack was over in about twenty minutes." bloom began to say. "i don't know how many blood witches were with them, but it was enough to take over every specialist there."

"they knew we were making a move on their hideout." silva spoke up, his eyes not being able to leave his daughter.

 "and we drank the last of the blood witch antidote. fucker." riven muttered, somehow making faye stand closer to him. 

"they took over every specialist?" dane asked, he was slightly standing beside riven. 

bloom hummed. "and fairies didn't have it much better. sebastian basically brought an army of scrapers to take them down."

"are they all drained?" silva asked. 

"not yet." bloom said sadly, she pulled out a phone to show silva a video of bavani being taken away by the blood witches. "they're being held under the school, taken to him one by one."

"that's bavani." silva confirmed. 

"we're thinking that he can't handle a lot of magic at once."

"which also means there's still time to save some of them." faye spoke up, her arms squeezing riven's

"that's good. good intel." silva said to the girls. 

"well, it's all musa. she's hiding in the school." bloom replied to the man. "she was able to avoid detection but flora wasn't so lucky."

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now