𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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faye had a message from terra telling her to get to rosalind's office asap, it was something to do with devin and she needed to be quick.

faye rushed out of the suite and sprinted to rosalind's office, she flung the door open to see stella, beatrix and devin who was screaming out in pain, covering his ears.

"what the fuck is going on?" faye asked in a panic.

"we don't know." beatrix replied.

then terra and flora arrived, terra had a needle in her hand.

"devin." terra tried to calm the boy down. "devin, this is gonna fix how you're feeling." she gently grabbed his arm and just as she was about to use the needle, rosalind appeared.

"step away from him." rosalind said sternly.

"rosalind." devin grunted in anger.

the boy reached towards a desk in the office and grabbed a sharpened pencil, putting it up to the older woman's neck. "what did you do to me?" devin yelled.

faye looked over at beatrix who had blue light around her hand.

"stand back. he's just confused." rosalind ordered.

"confused? he looks like he's in fucking pain." faye seethed, she would happily let devin kill the woman.

"and under the influence of something." rosalind added, her eyes glowing white.

"get out of my head." devin groaned.

"headmistress, he needs this now." terra told her, holding up the needle. "if you'd just let me-"

"i said stand back." rosalind interrupted the fairy. she shushed devin in a soothing way. "just a little further."

"get out of-" devin yelled before he fell to the ground with a groan of pain.

terra instantly went down to the boy and checked his pulse, she looked up at rosalind. "he's dead."

"what the fuck." faye muttered, glancing at rosalind.

"what did you give him?" the woman asked.

"i...i..." flora muttered.

"eldwyn amalgam. it was me. i'm sorry." terra interrupted her cousin, taking the blame. "i went behind everyone's back. i thought i could help him, but i... i... i was wrong." terra stuttered.

rosalind stayed silent for a moment, she then spoke in a calm but stern tone. "everyone out." she stepped over devin's dead body and stood over at her desk.

the girls slowly left the room, faye glanced back for a moment and saw rosalind staring at her with eyes that could quite literally kill.


after the events devin, all the girls were back in the suite and now looking over the translation texts that bloom brought back from faye's house. bloom didn't tell faye her house had been burned down yet though, it would distract her from what they needed to do.

"everyone has the photos i took of rosalind's book." bloom spoke to the girls.

"we need to match the symbols with the translation text to break the code." sebastian spoke from the phone.

all the girls were looking at their phones then back at the text that was currently floating in the air.

"i thought about bringing the text to you, sebastian, but i..." bloom said.

"oh, this is safer." sebastian assured the girl.

"you couldn't risk crossing rosalind and leaving campus." stella said to bloom.

"yeah, not after what she did to devin, bloom." faye smiled at her friend softly.

"i... i think i got it." sebastian began. "as far as i can tell, this is some sort of summoning spell for those creatures."

"summoning spell?" faye asked in shock. "she's summoning these fucking things?"

"what element does that fall under?" terra asked in confusion.

"it's ancient. not elemental." sebastian corrected.

"of course it is." faye muttered, running her hand across her face.

"why is she summoning these things? to attack fairies?" stella asked.

stella used her magic to flip through the pages of the book.

"hang on, i've seen that before." aisha spoke looking at the page intently. "store. or save." she looked at the girls with confusion. "hoard? that's... that's what that symbol means. the one that looks like a j with a table next to it. store." the water fairy paused for a moment. "hold."

faye looked up at the pages. "magic." she pointed out.

"hold magic." bloom added.

"oh my god." faye gasped.

"wait. devin was begging rosalind to give him his magic back." terra addressed.

"what if rosalind is summoning these things to steal magic from fairies?" bloom asked.

"it's not a 'what if' bloom..." faye paused. "she is doing this so they can steal magic. she's doing this to make herself stronger."

"she let devin die so that we wouldn't figure this out." bloom implied, all the girls were in shock.

"but rosalind's already one of the most powerful fairies alive." stella mentioned to the girls.

"the thing about power is, no matter how much you have, it's never enough." sebastian spoke, making faye jump slightly, she forgot he was there.

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