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after faye and riven finished with their business, they went to find sky. no doubt it would be slightly awkward because sky could probably smell the sex radiating off their bodies.

the two found sky, he was rubbing his head as if he was in pain.

"you look like shit." riven said as he got closer to the boy.

sky looked at riven then to faye, riven's hair was a slight mess as was faye's. the blonde boy pulled a disgusted face. "yeah, can say the same for you two." he muttered. "and i feel like it, so that makes sense."

yeah, well, terra the super spy got dane to spill." riven began.

"that's my girl." faye whispered happily, even though she already knew about what dane had said.

"he said bloom went out there to do something with a magic key, and i couldn't reach you-"

sky interrupted the boy. "where's dane?" he asked.

"he's gearing up." riven answered, passing a sword to sky.

"please tell me beatrix-"

"she's still locked up." riven interjected. "but we got bigger problems."

"yeah the fact you two can't stop interrupting each other, just-"

the boys shot faye a look, making her roll her eyes.

"riven, what the hell is going on?" sky asked.

"silva needs us at the barrier." riven answered.

thankfully, faye had gotten into her specialist gear earlier that morning so she didn't need to rush around.

riven walked away, faye and sky quickly following.


it was dark outside when the three made it to the barrier, they rushed over to silva, ms. dowling and mr. harvey.

"you're late." silva scolded, glancing at faye. "faye, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"what do you think?" she answered, pulling a face as if the man was dumb.

"it's not safe-"

the girl interrupted. "i don't care, i'll be fine."

silva shook his head, not wanting to let his daughter into this fight, but he soon realised faye was not changing her mind.

suddenly, a loud snarl came from the forest. faye's head shot towards the sound. there were multiple snarls, meaning there was more than one burned one.

aisha came up to the three. "how many of them are there?" she asked ms. dowling.

"get back to school!" farah ordered. "you shouldn't be this close to the barrier."

"it's no time for extra credit." silva added, turning to the water fairy.

"i'm not looking for extra credit." aisha told him. "i'm here because you need to know what's happening."

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now